Tom Montalk returns to the Cosmic Matrix Podcast to talk with Bernhard Guenther about the current Coronavirus crisis and the possible agendas from a 3D and hyperdimensional perspective. Tom shares the premonitions that came to him via his dreams leading up to the early warnings he gave publicly about the collective impact the crisis would …[continue reading]
ABOUT MONEY: The path that brought us here as a species is not only filled with lies and deception of unimaginable proportion, but also with continuous manipulation of the human race that goes back thousands of years – all controlled by money. Michael Tellinger has come full circle since his epic Slave Species of god …[continue reading]
How do I start a garden and what should I grow. I wanted to present the answers on a budget and in manageable steps. First step… lets starts some cool weather crops and get some transplants growing in seed cells. This will give you time to see if you enjoy it and time to build …[continue reading]
THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT… The Fall of the Cabal EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
In this powerful interview, Spiro Skouras is joined by longtime financial expert Gregory Mannarino to discuss the economic impact of the global health pandemic caused by the Coronavirus. Who stands to benefit from this crisis? Is there more to the official story than we are being told? Find out why both Mannarino and Spiro believe …[continue reading]
Alan Watts discusses the fundamental attitudes that run through all religions or ‘ways of liberation’, as the Far Eastern disciplines might better be described. By following these practices to the extremes of repentance, rebellion, and resignation, one may be freed from the endless cycles of reincarnation which perpetuate the human condition. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
We Are All Here To Help Each Other…TRUSTING The Process and TRUSTING The Journey is tantamount to Respecting Ones Life Journey thru the process of “KNOW THYSELF.” Also to Forgive Yourself – Self Forgiveness is Harder To DO, but Endures Forever. Sometimes the Same folks will return to do harm again and again – IF …[continue reading]
Barrie Trower on 5G | The Genocidal Nature of Non-Ionising Radiation In this essential Exeter Phoenix talk by microwave weaponry expert, Barrie Trower, he diligently exposes the plethora of peer-reviewed empirical studies, which prove that all wireless technology causes non-ionising radiation sickness, which often results in flu-like symptoms and sometimes in death. This video is …[continue reading]
New York City is currently the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the US, reporting over 15,000 cases, which is 1,500 cases more than the rest of the US combined. Late last night, I received this Facebook message from my cousin, who’s lived in New York City her whole life: “I have 4 friends in …[continue reading]
“You don’t predict the future — you imagine the future,” says sci-fi writer Charlie Jane Anders. In a talk that’s part dream, part research-based extrapolation, she takes us on a wild, speculative tour of the delights and challenges the future may hold — and shows how dreaming up weird, futuristic possibilities empowers us to construct …[continue reading]