When ideas have sex

At TEDGlobal 2010, author Matt Ridley shows how, throughout history, the engine of human progress has been the meeting and mating of ideas to make new ideas. It’s not important how clever individuals are, he says; what really matters is how smart the collective brain is. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

Dark Journalist: Catherine Austin Fitts – Black Budget Space Wars And AI Superpowers!

Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals The Master Plan! In what may be the most important interview Catherine has ever done, former Assistant Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Catherine Austin Fitts joins Dark Journalist and lays out the master plan that covert and overt forces in government, industry and the media are rolling out to control the …[continue reading]

Her Royal Bioweapon Exposed

Coronavirus, QinetiQ, and the Rothschild Bombshell What will you find inside this research link? The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed up treasonously via QinetiQ Group Plc controlled by the Monarch Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive …[continue reading]


SHE WAS RESEARCHING GLYPHOSATE Corporate government at work Monsanto fires Canadian chief medical officer. That in essence is what happened.   What was her crime? She was researching glyphosate. A $720,000 payment made her go away Every year tons of this toxic substance sprayed on Canadian forests. Corporate government at work Monsanto fires Canadian chief …[continue reading]


DON’T ACCEPT EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENTS OR VACCINES When they’re not lying outright, the news media likes to scream “fire” in a crowded movie theater. The coronavirus is the perfect example of this. Good advice from Dr. John Bergman   1. Don’t panic and don’t believe the news media2. Strengthen your immune system3. Don’t accept experimental treatments …[continue reading]

Rickards: ‘1984’ Has Come To China… USA Is Next

High profile economic expert and author Jim Rickards has nailed China for its 1984-like control over society using doublethink, Newspeak, Thought Police, etc., and warns that it is headed toward America. The only dot left to connect is Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor You’re probably familiar with George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four; (it’s often published as 1984). …[continue reading]

China is Using “Vitamin Therapy” to Treat Coronavirus, Yet the Western Media Is Silent…

  We’ve been fielding a barrage of inquiries about coronavirus, and what if anything one can do to protect oneself against it. We’ve published previous research reports on the subject of Coronavirus and natural approaches, including an article by Dr. Andrew Saul on the protective effects of Vitamin C which Facebook recently penalized our page for …[continue reading]

Interview on George Galloway’s The Mother of all Talkshows

George gives an excellent introduction on the nature of systematic, paid-for, organized, deliberate, war propaganda on Syria, to deceive people and whitewash the nature of the heinous, criminal, actions of the terrorists dubbed by the west as “rebels” who have beheaded children, among other crimes. He kindly points out that I and others who have …[continue reading]