VideoEurasiaGreeceHeadline News “Lethal Nationalism”: New Explosive Documentary Will Expose Turkey’s Genocide of the Greeks (VIDEO)

Nearly a million Greeks were killed, while millions more were uprooted from their ancestral homelands in Asia Minor (Turkey), Pontos, and Eastern Thrace as part of the Turks’ campaign of ethnic cleansing of its Christian populations. The Genocide also annihilated the Armenian and Assyrian Christians. This tragic event, the first Genocide of the 20th century, …[continue reading]

Russian Antivirus for Putin’s Europe

     The pandemic, which has no parallel in living memory and which has been fought against—with variable success—by the entire humanity, has pushed into the background usual international antagonisms, the race among the powerful for control of the future—both in the real world and cyberspace. Indeed, the never-ending news stories about Syria, confidential reports, North Korea, …[continue reading]

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biologist: exposes Bill Gates,Fauci,Clinton,WHO,CDC,Big Pharma #FireFauci

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai Podcast/Interview Request: High-dose Vitamin C works, since 1940s (Dr. Fred Klenner, Dr. Robert Cathcart, Dr. Thomas Levy, etc) Click Subscribe, then see: Facebook:… Instagram: Twitter: Website:… YouTube: Earlier interview is at: REQUEST: Share/Tweet this video including to @realdonaldtrump with #FireFauci hashtag. EMBED A VIDEO …[continue reading]

Coronavirus roundtable with Dr. Buttar & Dr. Mikovits

 – how your system is being used against you I was honored to be a part of a Coronavirus roundtable discussion with Dr. Rashid Buttar & Dr. Judy Mikovits recently where we discussed many different aspects of COVID-19 and the lies and misinformation surrounding this topic. We also discussed the legal and constitutional ramifications of …[continue reading]


The next Bonus distribution (C), will issue out on Friday 24th  April 2020, and the spreads are as follows: Bonus Type 1 –    Wallets with 9 ILNor more, will receive 7.5 ILN; Bonus Type 2–    Wallets with 50 ILN or more, will receive 65 ILN;  Wallets with 50 ILNor more also  qualify for Bonus Type 1, giving a total bonus of 72.5 ILN,  …[continue reading]

White House Petition Passes Threshold To Have Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Investigated For Connections To Wuhan Outbreak

A White House petition calling for the investigation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has amassed over 300,000 signatures, triple the threshold that requires an official government response. The petition that began last week, called “We Call For Investigations Into The ‘Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’ For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity” reads …[continue reading]

SARS 2003: fraud, and the credibility of the World Health Organization

History matters. If the World Health Organization (WHO) deceived the world into fear and panic THEN, in 2003, why should you believe them NOW re COVID, when both instances involve epidemics? As some readers will recall, in 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) put out a travel advisory—don’t go to Toronto. Toronto was “infected” with …[continue reading]

Silver Shield

TheGreatestTruthNeverTold   SUBSCRIBE Silver Shield Collection… Silver Shield Merchandise Silver Shield Guide FREE 46 HOUR Sons of Liberty Academy TWITTER @SilverShield76 INSTAGRAM @TheGreatestTruthNeverTold REDDIT u/SilverShield EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):