paul james Statement of Interest Public Notice paul james
A series of bonus drops will be effected every 3 weeks, until the Tranche 1, 2 & 3 bonuses are fully distributed; The next Bonus distribution (B), will issue out on Friday 03rd April 2020, and the spreads are as follows: Bonus Type 1 – Wallets with 0.9 ILN or more, will receive 10 ILN; …[continue reading]
Bruce Lipton – ‘The power of consciousness’ – Interview by Iain McNay Bruce is a cellular biologist who is the author of “The Biology Of Belief” and “Spontaneous Evolution”. He talks about his life, his work, and how he sees the predicament of the human race. The transcript of this interview is available to view …[continue reading]
Digital surveillance and smartphone technology may prove helpful in containing the coronavirus pandemic — but some activists fear this could mean lasting harm to privacy and digital rights. From China to Singapore to Israel, governments have ordered electronic monitoring of their citizens’ movements in an effort to limit contagion. In Europe and the United States, …[continue reading]
Trump and the patriots are transitioning the economy during the event. Trump now tapped the DPA and it is being used to guide the economy from the [CB] establishment into the new economy. Trump is now in the process of nationalizing the Fed. Sound money is coming and new economy is coming. EMBED A VIDEO …[continue reading]
SHINING THE LIGHT ON ANOTHER GOVERNMENT-MEDIA SCAM As the monsters who rule America put us through another catastrophe of their own making (2008, Katrina, 9/11 and aftermath), Bob Dylan releases a new track that says what we all know. There was a violent coup in the US on November 22, 1963 and this country has …[continue reading]
We made our first documentary on what we think was the most important story of 2019, an investigation into the Black Swan of Jeffrey Epstein & the workings of the Global Elite. We hope it brings you great value and insight. You can find links to our timeline, decision tree, and question list below. …[continue reading]
THE CORONAVIRUS AGENDA 14,541 views •18 Mar 2020 EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect the American public by regulating the Telecom Industry. This hasn’t been happening for many years now. They have taken it to a whole new level of selling-out with 5G technology. They are even being sued for it (see 1, 2, 3). Telecom representatives gave congressional testimony in February that they had no scientific evidence that …[continue reading]
Public Notice SOI (Statement of Interest) and Pubic Notice (Notice of Interest) paul james Public Notice paul james