Man-Made Coronavirus Kills Hundreds (Bill Gates has a Vaccine for That)

It’s been 2 weeks since we first wrote about the novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) originating in China. Since then, the official numbers have skyrocketed from 630 infections and 17 deaths to over 24,000 infections and roughly 500 deaths. NaturalNews reports that China is actually keeping two sets of numbers, and that the actual numbers are much …[continue reading]

The Pornification of America: How Young Girls Are Being Groomed by Sexual Predators

“The brutal reality is that a predator doesn’t have to be in the same room, building, or even country to abuse a child. And that’s what they’re doing — subjecting children to psychological and sexual abuse.”—“I’m a 37-Year-Old Mom & I Spent Seven Days Online as an 11-Year-Old Girl. Here’s What I Learned,” Medium   What …[continue reading]

Why Pope Benedict Resigned: New Revelations from the man who helped cause it

On the seventh anniversary of the forced resignation from his office of Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) discloses new information on the deposing of this criminal, and the role of the present, equally criminal “pope” and the Spanish government in the event. See …[continue reading]

A stunning admission on the so-called population crisis

It’s kind of insane to be living through this time where the admissions of what used to be considered “crazy conspiracy theories” are just rolling out in the headlines like it’s nothing. When we were talking about this a decade ago, tin foil hat jokes were not only made but expected. Now, mainstream “authoritative” publications …[continue reading]


Disturbing footage from China suggests the scale of coronavirus pandemic in China is far worse than what we’re being told. Real-time satellite data show massive concentrated plumes of sulphur dioxide (SO2) smoldering in the cities of Wuhan and Chonqing, which is corroborated in reports from the Epoch Times of workers at the crematoria, who tell …[continue reading]

We’ve already identified three natural molecules that inhibit coronavirus replication in the body… and they don’t come from Big Pharma

(Natural News) While the world of the brainwashed masses are waiting for Big Pharma to save them from the coronavirus pandemic with a drug or a vaccine, we’ve been researching molecules from nature that are known to inhibit coronavirus replication in the body. So far, we’ve already identified three natural molecules. One of them is …[continue reading]

China “epidemic” cases with no coronavirus—what??

          During 30 years of investigating “epidemics,” I’ve looked for causes that have nothing to do with the latest and greatest virus. In other words, what else could be causing the symptoms of the illness? In the current “coronavirus epidemic,” the one condition that has been emphasized is: pneumonia. Standard medical …[continue reading]