US Quietly Transfers Seized Venezuelan State Assets to Guaido’s Account

CARACAS – Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza hit out against the United States administration over its move to effectively siphon off seized Venezuelan state assets and redirect them to opposition leader and self-proclaimed Venezuelan ‘president’ Juan Guaido. “The Central Bank of Venezuela denounces the vulgar dispossession that the US administration, in complicity with some lawmakers …[continue reading]

Introducing Aquakat advanced water technology

Introducing Aquakat advanced water technology “I am really excited to be able to showcase and sell this amazing technology. The Aquakat water technology is almost out of this world.” – Duncan Roads, NEXUS Editor Aquakat’s Health Benefits • Changes the structure of the water molecule and memory of water, eliminating the harmful effects of fluoride …[continue reading]


FACEBOOKTWITTERREDDITPINTERESTEMAILGOOGLE+LINKEDINSTUMBLEUPON   Join Our Members List For Exclusive Reports     Former Russian military intelligence officer, Daniel Estulin joins Daniel Brigman on The Power Hour podcast to talk about what’s really going on with COVID-19 and the global clampdown. Hie version of events is very different from what you’ll hear on CNN and it makes …[continue reading]

Truth Fears No Investigation, But Lies Always Do

Posted on 18th April 2020 by The Bernician   The truth fears no investigation into the facts, but lies always do. So why is it that the UK government refuses to disclose to the public the ‘science’ it has based its draconian decision to lock down upon? Is it because its Chief Medical Officer was given $40 million by …[continue reading]

A Special Time-Sensitive Message from Nia Peeples, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton and Dr. Rashid A. Buttar.

Please listen to this urgent message and call-to-action. Make sure to take this action every time the clock hit’s 11:00 am and 11:00 pm in your own time zone, for the next 48 hours, for a total of 4 times in the next 48 hours. And please, share this with ALL your friends, family and …[continue reading]