By John C. A. Manley – Originally at OffGuardian – Published Aug 4, 2020 FRN As Global Research reported, America’s Frontline Doctors held a press conference on Capitol Hill on Monday. Over 17 million people watched the video (above) before YouTube, Twitter and Facebook gave it the “misinformation” stamp of disapproval and deleted it. Yet another censored video exposing the COVID charade. …[continue reading]
Dr. Mercola, GuestWaking Times As vaccine companies rush to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to market, billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates — who routinely funnels hundreds of millions of dollars to various vaccine projects — warns you will probably need “multiple doses” of any given COVID-19 vaccine for it to be effective.1 In speaking with CBS News, …[continue reading]
As Europe and North America continue suffering their steady economic and social decline as a direct result of imposing ‘lockdown’ on their populations, other countries have taken a different approach to dealing with the coronavirus threat. You wouldn’t know it by listening to western politicians or mainstream media stenographers, there are also nonlockdown countries. They …[continue reading]
“I’m not going to be silenced!” – Houston Doctor Stella Immanuel … doubles down – when was the last time Fauci saw a patient? Dr. Stella Immanuel M.D. from Houston is a courageous woman in an insane world. Earlier this week Dr. Immanuel joined several other front line doctors in Washington DC at the …[continue reading]
Severe Anon and The Punisher join me to discuss breaking news, the Beirut explosion, the FBI raids, the demonic Democrats, and the idiocracy news items of the week. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
BEHIND THE SCENES Back in March, I pointed out that “CoVid” was the Perfect Storm of institutionalized medical science fraud, news media and academic malfeasance, and a power grab by people who believe in centralized authoritarian control including Central Bankers. I see no reason to revise the position. They’ve been simultaneously cooking the digital ID/money …[continue reading]
Is there a future for Ireland in the EU, or would we be better off leaving altogether? Ben Scallan comments. #gript Donate today to Gript! See more at Follow our socials: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: Our Podcasts: EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
In a powerful interview by “Elevate” with Dr. Judy Mikovits, the esteemed virologist and former employee of Dr. Anthony Fauci tells all in a breathtaking and horrifying interview that with shock and horrify you. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
On April 16, a Nobel Prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier made headlines by asserting his controversial belief that COVID-19 was made in a laboratory in direct opposition to such respected figures as Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the World Health Organization and the teams of evolutionary virologists of Nature Magazine. Much has been written on …[continue reading]
This January 2010 lecture by Canadian Patriot Review editor Matthew Ehret tackles the fallacies of Darwin’s theory of evolution from several angles: Historic, philosophical, political and scientific. We address the issue of Mind and Creativity as qualities that may exist in the very fabric of physical space time rather than existing merely as by-products of …[continue reading]