Italy: sold to Big Pharma

A letter to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. by Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti Dear Robert, I don’t know if you are completely aware of the Italian situation. Summarizing everything in a few words, Italy was sold to Big Pharma and has become a huge laboratory where experiments are carried out on the population: adults, children, old, …[continue reading]

EU keeps quiet over suspicious vaccination passport documents

Surprise, surprise, the European Commission (EC) had a “Roadmap on Vaccination” ready months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. The Roadmap should lead to a “commission proposal for a common vaccination card / passport for EU citizens by 2022“. Last updated during the third quarter of 2019, the 10-page document was followed, on September 12th, …[continue reading]

Lloyd’s of London Insurance Won’t Discuss Their New EMF Exclusion Clause

Last week, a recent commercial liability insurance renewal policy issued through a Lloyd’s of London underwriter contained a liability exclusion clause about electromagnetic fields. Lloyd’s policy report PDF – Download here The clause excludes any compensation for claims: “directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electro-magnetic radiation, electromagnetism, …[continue reading]

We are trained to misinform” – ex-big pharma sales rep speaks out

In Brief The Facts: Gwen Olsen worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 15 years and shares what her experience was. A few years ago she published “Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher.” In the video below she shares her experience. Reflect On: Is big medicine today about health, or is it about profit and control? …[continue reading]

Infant mortality down; number of vaccinations down

The reference here is an analysis of mortality data by Mark Blaxill and Amy Becker, “Lessons from the Lockdown,” posted at Children’s Health Defense on June 18: “But the pandemic experience has brought on a surprising effect on this expected death rate among children. Starting in early March, expected deaths began a sharp decline, from …[continue reading]

Resisting the new world order and disinformation – news you may not have heard yet

  The world is unraveling very fast before our very eyes. If you are someone who still believes that everything that has been happening has been unfortunate circumstances beyond our control, stop right here and read no further. Almost everything we are seeing today is being played out like a well-written script, with a master …[continue reading]


Former Assistant Housing Secretary and publisher of the Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts joins Greg Hunter to talk about her latest report, entitled ‘The Injection Fraud’ about the massive vaccine gambit currently in play and how this a vital part of the central bankers’ “Global Reset”. Fitts cites the first meeting of the central bankers …[continue reading]


Atlanta-based ReallyGraceful’s latest video chronicles how American billionaires have become nearly 20% richer than they were before the #CoronaHoax shutdown. She says this amounts to a $583 billion surge of wealth among the .001%, while 1.5 million working-class Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week, bringing the total number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits to …[continue reading]

Looking Forward to the End of Humanity – #PropagandaWatch

Why is the Wall Street Journal looking forward to the end of humanity? And what does that say about the technocratic future that we’re being steered into? Join James for today’s edition of #PropagandaWatch where he discusses the transhuman agenda that is being pushed on the back of the new biosecurity paradigm. SHOW NOTES: Episode …[continue reading]