500+ German doctors explaining the pandemic is a fake. Everyone and especially docs and nurses around needs to see this so they can join the movement to speak out. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): English versions
the creator and her husband have just been arrested, watch soon ShadowGate / The Documentary 2020 EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The Indian government is planning to launch a mandatory digital health card modeled on Bill Gates’ concept. Under the ‘One Nation One Health Card’ scheme, a person’s medical history records, including all the treatments and tests that the person has undergone, will be digitally saved in this card. Hospitals, clinics, and doctors will all be linked to …[continue reading]
THE MURDERERS OF SERBIAN CHILDREN IN GORAZDEVAC STILL UNPUNISHED Families want to know if one of the reasons for halting the investigation was, as they claim, the fact that the murderer came from the village of Ćuška, the birthplace of the former commander of narco-terrorist Albanian formation, so-called Kosovo Liberation Army and the current ‘minister’ …[continue reading]
Nephew of President John F. Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, and tireless crusader against the tyranny of the mainstream medical establishment, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss his startling discoveries about who really killed his father and uncle…and why. Plus, Mr. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer, has been among the most …[continue reading]
Finola Foley speaks with Irish Author John Waters to discuss the current covid regime and its impact on Irish culture and life as we know it. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Even though this IS a fictional movie, the director made an emotional appeal recently, encouraging the mass sharing of this, as a lot of the storyline IS ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE IN REALTIME! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): A CHILDS VOICE (FULL MOVIE)
An incredible report on Real Clear Politics by Paul Sperry on July 24 has revealed a new dimension to the Russiagate frenzy that contaminated American politics for the last four years. While all claims of Russian collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin have been thoroughly debunked over recent months, it was believed that the culprits of …[continue reading]
FACEBOOKTWITTERREDDITPINTERESTEMAILGOOGLE+LINKEDINSTUMBLEUPON “Unmasking the Masks Agenda” is the latest Special Report written by James Grundvig and presented by John Michael Chambers on the new YouTube channel, Making Sense of the Madness. Three years before the first cases of SARS-Cov-2 broke out in Wuhan, China last October, contact tracing cellphone apps were in development and were …[continue reading]
Senators have been awarded expenses for April and May of this year, despite the fact the Seanad was closed at the time. €240,000 was divided among 48 senators, averaging around €4,000 each. Sittings were delayed for 90 days after the general election in March due to the Covid-19 crisis and until a new Taoiseach …[continue reading]