The Nazi International ANOTHER FRENCH MISSILE SEIZED… IN ITALY August 24, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell If the news stories are any indicator, someone has lately developed a taste for French missiles. Last week, you’ll recall, I blogged about that strange case of a French air-to-air 530 missile being discovered by airport officials at Lakeland …[continue reading]
The wonderful Imani Mamalution orchestrated this incredible chat between myself and Sacha Stone…ostensibly, it was part of a 5-Question series that both Imani and Sacha are doing on their New Earth Project platform; however, Sacha became engrossed in the discussion and helped to turn this into something very special…this Conversation between Sacha and I should …[continue reading]
David knight show What is in your vaccines EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The 2020 COVID-19 “pandemic” is very far from a random event that just happened to evolve the way it did. On the contrary, there is a huge wealth of evidence to show that the most monumental scam ever played on humanity by the governments of the world, was known to be coming long in advance. …[continue reading]
This is one of Alan Jones’ videos where he tells the truth about COVID-19, citing the World Health Organisation and the medical journal, Lancet, which he uses to debunk the lies. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
SWEDEN’S CRISIS IS OVER, BUT NO END IN SIGHT FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD Is “Sweden” a banned word now? I’ll guess we’ll find out. Why Sweden succeeded and the rest of the world failed – and how you are not being told about it. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Spain is not on Government’s green list meaning people arriving from there must quarantine for 14 days Paudge Connolly is a frequent visitor to Spain where he is a member of a golf society based out of McCafferty’s bar in Cabo Roig. Conor Gallagher Fri, Aug 21, 2020, 16:48 A former TD who attended …[continue reading]
This is the LONG-awaited companion Video to the show we did with Mark Devlin on his Good Vibrations Podcast, Episode #161…the Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z… This show is Proof-Positive that all we have shared with you about The Q Team’s Plan to Takedown the Cabal is completely Factual, with the Truth …[continue reading]
I don’t know what to say about this mainstream Spanish news item, I’m kinda speechless. This front-line, clearly expert Spanish doctor reveals the reality around the truly massive media madness going on at the moment. He explains the actual reality, and the interviewer is thrown into confusion…! Then a studio journalist is brought in to …[continue reading]
David Whitehead from the Truth Warrior Podcast and Unslaved (with Michael Tsarion) joins Bernhard Guenther to talk about his journey of seeking truth. We talk about the forces behind the current events from a psychological, political, esoteric, and spiritual perspective. David shares his research into cults and how it ties into the current matrix agenda …[continue reading]