Pandemic problem: Farmworkers leave fields due to COVID-19 testing mandate Mitch Galloway, Farm News Media; Video by Janelle Brose, Farm News Media… Biden wants to test everyone in food supply chain: Biden says “It’s not just the folks in the White House, or who travel with me, that deserve regular testing. It’s folks in …[continue reading]
What to Look for When Comparing UV Sterilization Devices UV LED lamps that sterilize ________________________________________________________________ As COVID-19 continues to ravage global populations, the world is singularly focused on finding ways to battle the novel coronavirus. That includes the UC Santa Barbara’s Solid State Lighting & Energy Electronics Center (SSLEEC) and member companies. …[continue reading]
Now, more than ever thanks to COVID-19, people and businesses are scrambling to find ways to incorporate medical-grade sterilization methods into their daily operating procedures. Once reserved for laboratories and hospitals, germicidal UV lights are offering a new way to ensure that you can create and maintain a safe working environment. UV light sterilization is a fast-growing …[continue reading]
The moment for change is now EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Mark L. LeClair and Eric Dollard are two scientists and technologists who independently stumbled upon a category of phenomena that could revolutionize everything we once thought we knew about the origins of the universe and life, which may lead to technologies we could use to create a sustainable future for humanity. Below you will find …[continue reading]
Current Events With Dr. Judy Mikovits EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Climate Hustle reveals the History of Climate Scares, examines the Science on both Sides of the Debate, digs into the Politics and Media Hype surrounding the Issue, shows how global Warming has become a new Religion for Alarmists, and explains the impacts the warming Agenda will have on People in America and around the World.************************************** …[continue reading]
The true story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the President of the United States. Following the bestselling book, ‘The Plot Against the President’, by investigative journalist Lee Smith, this feature l…
“Velkom, mein freunds. Today ve zill komplete ze Great Verk vith ze Great Reset.” Sky News host Rowan Dean says the next World Economic Forum in Davos has morphed from a “jet-setter climate gabfest” into a sinister “anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future”. “It’s …[continue reading]
Benghazi whistleblowers, Nicholas Noe and Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, a Navy SEAL who was killed while defending diplomatic staff at the US Benghazi compound are joined in a Zoom call by Alan Howell Parrot, a falcon trainer and CIA whistleblower. This call was recorded on October 11th and presented at the #Ampfest conference held in Miami …[continue reading]