Epic Vaccine Debate Between Robert Kennedy Jr and Attorney Alan Dershowitz

Attorney Dershowitz contends that, if there were a safe and effective measure that could significantly reduce the contagious impact of a deadly disease, the Supreme Court would rule that government has the constitutional power to compel vaccinations on its citizens, including children. Robert Kennedy, Jr., agrees that the argument is correct but that the condition …[continue reading]


“We will not be delayed any longer. We citizens have the power. We are doing it”, with these words Heiko Schöning announced the Extra-Parliamentary Corona Investigation Committee (ACU) on 31st May 2020 in Stuttgart in front of 5000 demonstrators. On 3rd July 2020 the ACU started with an information conference in several languages. All citizens, …[continue reading]

How Huxley’s X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years

Matthew Ehret May 13, 2020 © Photo: REUTERS/Axel Schmidt Amidst the storm of controversy raised by the lab-origin theory of COVID-19 extolled by such figures as Nobel prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier, bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, Sri Lankan Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith and the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, an elaborate project was undertaken under the …[continue reading]

The CIA Fabricated the Russiagate “Evidence”, Says NSA Tech Chief by Bill Binney

by Satchidanand http://www.energyenhancement.org/ContentMeditationArticles-Satchidanand.htm Sun, 08/02/2020 – 00:00Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Duran,   An important public statement was made on July 27th by Bill Binney, the U.S. Government’s top expert on the internet, and on computer hacking. He had been the Technical Director of the NSA when he quit and became a whistleblower against …[continue reading]

Trapped inside Hong Kong’s cage houses | RT Documentary

In glitzy and prosperous Hong Kong, thousands live in conditions deemed an “insult to human dignity”. Low-income residents who can’t keep up with soaring property prices have no choice but to cram into homes barely bigger than a coffin or wire cage. More than 200,000 Hongkongers survive in the cramped and squalid conditions of so-called …[continue reading]

“There Is No Proven Effectiveness” – Netherlands Refuses To Mandate Mask Wearing In Public

American public health experts, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, have struggled over the past couple of months to push a specific narrative on the public: Wearing a mask doesn’t so much protect you from being infected with SARS-CoV-2, but if you are infected, wearing a mask could stop you from passing the virus to someone …[continue reading]

Simulation #678 Dr. Rupert Sheldrake – Morphic Resonance

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is a Biologist and 16x Author/Co-Author best known for his Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance which posits that Natural Systems Inherit Collective Memory. He has studied Developmental Biology & Plant Physiology from Cambridge to Hyderabad, most recently fascinated with Unexplained Human and Animal Abilities. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):