Probably the greatest gift I have ever seen in my life happened about 48 hours ago. Hunter Bidens Laptop filled with information about his fathers criminal dealings was dropped. I believe it is the most significant story in our life time. I explain why here. During the video I talk about : – The 4 …[continue reading]
or months, Sweden was the punching bag of the world’s media and politicians. For foregoing a lockdown, Sweden was declared a “cautionary tale” by The New York Times. “Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown,” President Trump tweeted. “They are leading us to catastrophe,” said The Guardian in March, quoting a virus …[continue reading]
The Great Barrington Declaration put together by a group of infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists to garner attention and action in order to rectify current, and what some may term as ‘reckless’ and ‘devastating’ measures being enforced to varying degrees across the globe, has reached over half a million signatures so far, from …[continue reading]
ShadowGate 2.0: The Fake News Industrial Complex’ has finally been released! With the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 and the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation act of 2016, we have been subjected to a never-ending barrage of military-grade psychological operations and legalized propaganda that are now interfering in an election. The film details Interactive Internet Activities (IIA) and …[continue reading]
From an anonymous source: LPC Strategic Committee LeakInboxLPC leaker <>1:47 PM (7 hours ago)toHello, Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐On Saturday, October 10, 2020 1:38 PM, REMOVED <REMOVED> wrote: Dear *******, I want to provide you some very important information. I’m a committee member within the Liberal Party of Canada. I sit within several committee groups but the …[continue reading]
A hugely inspiring conversation, as activist Michael O’Bernicia of, breaks down the private criminal prosecutions for “Pandemic” Fraud that he is bringing, under Common Law, against all British MPs who voted to extend The Coronavirus Act 2020. These treasonous MPs were served notice at the end of September, and offered an opportunity to escape prosecution …[continue reading] All the Tools You Need to Succeed. This member portal aims to inform and empower each and every MTI member, whether it be to better understand the MTI model, trading service or optional referral program.With industry leaders that have different strengths and styles, the training team work together to provide a diverse platform where …[continue reading]
Information on influential Irish politicians, their close friends and family, senior gardai, civil servants, scientists, bankers, trade unionists and criminals has been systematically collected since 2017 by an obscure Chinese company that provides data to China’s intelligence services and private clients. A copy of the leaked dataset, obtained by The Sunday Times, shows the firm …[continue reading]
Hunter Biden’s water-damaged computer was dropped off at a repair shop in Delaware in April 2019 but nobody ever paid for the service or retrieved it and the external drive on which its contents were stored, according to the shop owner, who tried repeatedly to contact the client. The shop’s owner alerted the Feds and …[continue reading]
Kain explains how Track and Trace was used as the final surveillance tool and a way people were controlled through technology, as he walks in the world of the new normal.. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):