There are many physicians and healthcare practitioners who subscribe to this newsletter, so I think many of you reading this may appreciate this video by Canadian naturopath, Amandha Vollmer. *** “This is what they’re using to detect in your body and to make a positive test result, okay? “This is their sequencing, their primary assembly …[continue reading]
On August 18, 2020, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) submitted a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Stephen Hahn, demanding information regarding their actions taken on the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. “Physicians are concerned that the FDA’s actions regarding hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) may …[continue reading]
The Nazi International ANOTHER FRENCH MISSILE SEIZED… IN ITALY August 24, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell If the news stories are any indicator, someone has lately developed a taste for French missiles. Last week, you’ll recall, I blogged about that strange case of a French air-to-air 530 missile being discovered by airport officials at Lakeland …[continue reading]
The wonderful Imani Mamalution orchestrated this incredible chat between myself and Sacha Stone…ostensibly, it was part of a 5-Question series that both Imani and Sacha are doing on their New Earth Project platform; however, Sacha became engrossed in the discussion and helped to turn this into something very special…this Conversation between Sacha and I should …[continue reading]
David knight show What is in your vaccines EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The 2020 COVID-19 “pandemic” is very far from a random event that just happened to evolve the way it did. On the contrary, there is a huge wealth of evidence to show that the most monumental scam ever played on humanity by the governments of the world, was known to be coming long in advance. …[continue reading]
This is one of Alan Jones’ videos where he tells the truth about COVID-19, citing the World Health Organisation and the medical journal, Lancet, which he uses to debunk the lies. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
SWEDEN’S CRISIS IS OVER, BUT NO END IN SIGHT FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD Is “Sweden” a banned word now? I’ll guess we’ll find out. Why Sweden succeeded and the rest of the world failed – and how you are not being told about it. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Spain is not on Government’s green list meaning people arriving from there must quarantine for 14 days Paudge Connolly is a frequent visitor to Spain where he is a member of a golf society based out of McCafferty’s bar in Cabo Roig. Conor Gallagher Fri, Aug 21, 2020, 16:48 A former TD who attended …[continue reading]
This is the LONG-awaited companion Video to the show we did with Mark Devlin on his Good Vibrations Podcast, Episode #161…the Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z… This show is Proof-Positive that all we have shared with you about The Q Team’s Plan to Takedown the Cabal is completely Factual, with the Truth …[continue reading]