No One To Vote For – May 14, 2020 It is highly recommended that readers use the following uncontroversial, historical detail as a (rather bland and unobtrusive) instrument that just might wake up those who are still sleeping. The word “influenza” originated in Italy. The first record of this strange and inexplicable illness occurred around …[continue reading]
THERE IS NO THERE THERE – LITERALLY A COMIC VERSION OF SCIENCE DEBUNKED I’ve been waiting for a person with a a medical degree or relevant science degree to give a SIMPLE short explanation of why the C story is a complete con. I’m tired of waiting so we’re doing it ourselves – but we …[continue reading]
As Texas leads the 20 state charge, we find our Republic fights the same battle now as we did 245 years ago!! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Advertisement Jerusalem Post World News FDA announces deaths of two Pfizer vaccine trial participants One of the deceased was reportedly immunocompromised, documents released ahead of an emergency approval meeting on Thursday show. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF DECEMBER 8, 2020 16:04 A refrigerated truck leaves the Pfizer plant in Puurs, Belgium December 3, …[continue reading]
More courageous doctors speak up EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. Josef Stalin, Communist & mass murderer of over 30 million people In the Irish General election of February 2020, new political party Aontú received 1.9% first preference votes from Irish Citizens. Just one Aontú candidate of the twenty-six who ran was elected …[continue reading]
All documents, bills, accounts and instruments created in the ALL CAPS NAME are monetized as debt and circulate in one form or another as currency or public funds. This is the key issue, that we no longer use the franchise as a vessel in commerce, because every single use of it in that way creates …[continue reading]
COVID-19 Vaccine Bombshell: FDA Documents Reveal DEATH + 21 Serious Conditions As Possible Adverse Outcomes Public discussion and documents reveal that the FDA knows that rushed-to-market COVID-19 vaccines may cause a wide range of life-threatening side effects, including death. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
About our 5G & EMF webinar… …we’re getting amazing feedback on it! I know a lot of people have already taken some simple actions that we talked about to clean up their “personal space” of EMF’s. Some people don’t think it affects them – they are so wrong. Unlike smoking you can’t see any of this – but …[continue reading]
On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular …[continue reading]