NOW – FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERSLots of people are interested in this subject. Here it is explained in less than 4 minutes in an authoritative way by a reliable person. Here’s my issue with all this: It is likely all 100% true. We know Fauci is a crook and traitor. We know that applies equally …[continue reading]
UNDER FAUCI MEDICAL COSTS HAVE EXPLODED AND THE HEALTH OF AMERICANS HAS COLLAPSED Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is one of the best informed, most articulate authorities on the Big Picture of which Fauci’s current scam is just part of the puzzle. When Fauci started in his job as the head of the NIH’s Allergies and …[continue reading]
Bill Gates is actively financing and promoting new untested vaccines supposed to keep us at least somewhat safe from a ‘ghastly” death from the novel coronavirus and supposedly allow us to resume somewhat “normal” lives. The Pharma giant Pfizer has now announced what they claim were spectacular results in initial human tests. They use an …[continue reading]
TRANSLATED FROM GERMAN TO ENGLISH Broadcast by Radio Munich and translated into English. Professor Stefan Hockertz First published in German on July 17, 2020Translation and speaker: John JJ JonesInterview: Eva Schmidt Dr. Stefan Hockertz was director and professor of the Institute for Experimental and Clinical Toxicology at the University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf from …[continue reading]
Source: Robert Madsen Texas claims that the presidential elections as held (and as directed by government officials outside the legislature) in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan all flagrantly violated their own election laws by materially weakening or doing away with security measures. Further, according to the U.S. Constitution, the legislature (representing the citizens) of each …[continue reading]
In Brief The Facts: On December 21st of this year, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn are going to be an astonishing 0.1 degrees apart — less than the diameter of a full moon. March 4, 1226, was the last time they were in such close proximity. Reflect On: Is it a coincidence that this …[continue reading]
On Wednesday night, John Michael Chambers hosted a Power Panel to discuss the 2020 Election crisis, with Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Jeffrey Prather, Scott Bennett, Trevor Louden, Alexander Newman, Susan Bradford, James Grundvig, InTheMatrixxx and Shady Groove. Scott Bennett is a former Army intelligence officer and private contractor with Booz Allen Hamilton and the author of …[continue reading]
Egypt Independent December 9, 20202:16 pm Six people died during trials of the coronavirus vaccine produced by the American pharmaceutical company “Pfizer” and the German “BioNTech” company, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Wednesday. In a statement released by US channel Al-Hurra, the FDA confirmed that among the …[continue reading]
World Freedom being brought to Light: There are three cases being held using Common Law in a public court in Canada with Christopher James, as Council. His site is A Warriors Call. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
No society wants you to become wise: it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced into a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert themselves – they will assert their individuality. They will …[continue reading]