CBS ” 60 MINUTES” documentary on the swine flu epidemic of 1976 in the U.S. It went on air only once and was never shown again. Watch this video documentary and listen to testimony of people who caught Gullian-Barre paralysis because of the swine flu vaccine. They sued the US government for damages. 500 cases …[continue reading]
Controversial economic forecaster, Martin Armstrong joins Greg Hunter on Armstrong’s computer model was one of the few that predicted Brexit – and two years ago, it also predicted that this year’s US presidential election would be the most corrupt in American history. He says, “The computer doesn’t ask my opinion or anybody else’s, it …[continue reading]
HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED BECAUSE THIS NEW WAS CENSORED? The news is all over the Internet. You can search for it and easily find it – if it hasn’t been censored yet. Cetlypyridinium chloride – a cheap as dirty ingredient in mouthwash – reduces “CoVid.” The word “chloride” indicates chlorine molecules. Like sodium chloride, …[continue reading]
The German city of Düsseldorf was forced Monday to lift an order for residents to wear masks against the coronavirus, after a citizen successfully sued against the blanket rule. The setback for the western city came as Germany is fighting a surging second wave of Covid-19, with new daily cases reaching record levels almost every …[continue reading]
I have considered Donald Trump to be a brilliant chess Player, this video shows that he plays like a Grand Master 🙂…… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Shortly after the turn of this century, I found myself standing in one of the halls of political power in former Czechoslovakia, after hearing the umpteenth horror story from communism, and saying to myself “I wish I could live through a little bit of communism to see how normal people allowed it to all happen.” …[continue reading]
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n this next mission, we will deal with the ancient Atlantis, because here begins our story. And that just has to be done, because that’s where our present-day problems arose. Long ago, over 13,000 years ago, human consciousness grids began to collapse and humanity began to lose their higher consciousness. It’s what the Bible called …[continue reading]
Enjoy this episode where host Doug McKenty discusses Canadian constitutional law and the rise of technocratic fascism with lawyer and executive director of the Constitutional Rights Centre, Rocco Galati. Rocco is directly involved in the Canadian fight to prevent continued efforts to impose unconstitutional economic lockdowns, mask mandates, forced vaccinations and other methods applied in …[continue reading]
German trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich follows up on his initial announcement of class-action lawsuits against perpetrators of what he calls the pandemic hoax. He summarizes the main charges that he says easily will be proved through the process of discovery and witness cross examination in court. He will prove that (1) Whatever is causing the …[continue reading]