16th March 2021 TO ALL IRISH NATIONALS AT HOME AND ABROAD – NATIONAL NOTICE#4 TAKE NOTICE, that as the irish state, as the irish nations trustee, has defaulted national notice #2, I was obliged to issue national notice #4, to the nursing homes ireland organisation and all its members, to inform them of the states …[continue reading]
16th March 2021 TO ALL IRISH NATIONALS AT HOME AND ABROAD – NATIONAL NOTICE#3 TAKE NOTICE, that as the irish state, as the irish nations trustee, has defaulted national notice #2, I was obliged to issue national notice #3, to the irish medical organisation and all its members, to inform them of the states default, …[continue reading]
16th March 2021 TO ALL IRISH NATIONALS AT HOME AND ABROAD – NATIONAL NOTICE#2 TAKE NOTICE, that the irish state, as the irish nations trustee, has defaulted the attached national notice #2 and its granted national timeline; The state and specific actors by their collective failures to specifically perform, has granted consent to the attached …[continue reading]
Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. To all authorities, scientists and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the entire world population. I am all but an antivaxxer. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any …[continue reading]
he tried to warn us : America Freedom To Fascism – Aaron Russo EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=freedom+to+fascism&docid=608013025987136591&mid=20F393929AE60D541D7E20F393929AE60D541D7E&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
You may think we are doomed to the looming climate change catastrophe, which would be dire indeed, but while the timeline in play at this moment definitely seems to be leading in the direction of a perilously devastated world—we, collectively, have the power to shift timelines, avert catastrophe, and create a happy ending. Not only …[continue reading]
Catherine Austin Fitts joins Dark Journalist to discuss the ongoing Global Financial Coup d’État, as established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Statement 56 (FASB 56). “FASB 56 basically said, ‘We’re going to privatize the Treasury to an invisible committee that we don’t know who that is and they’re going to be able to create …[continue reading]
03-11-2021 • Ice Age Farmer – YouTube.com Governments are moving rapidly to remove your right to raise animals completely. The UK has confirmed via FOIA the gassing of people’s backyard chickens around a poultry facility in Kent. Colorado’s PAUSE act will destroy their meat industry. And livestock registration is rolling out around the world. There is …[continue reading]
Sarah Westall joins Dave Hodges on his Common Sense Radio Show. We discuss my latest documentary, “Humanities Decision” and how globalists are escalating their plans. Hopefully you will watch the documentary and share it with others. Here is the link to the show page: Humanity Must Decide EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Globalists Escalating Plans
World Freedom Alliance 5.64K subscribers SUBSCRIBE Support Oracle Films who produced this interview: https://paypal.me/oraclefilms https://www.oraclefilms.com/ Martin Byrne sits down with founding members of the World Freedom Alliance to discuss the implications of lockdowns, the Covid-19 vaccine and the Great Reset. Part 3 – Professor Dolores Cahill – Molecular Biologist & Immunologist https://worldfreedomalliance.org/ …[continue reading]