What is ethylene oxide What is ethylene oxide? At room temperature, ethylene oxide is a flammable colorless gas with a sweet odor. It is used primarily to produce other chemicals, including antifreeze. In smaller amounts, ethylene oxide is used as a pesticide and a sterilizing agent. The ability of ethylene oxide to damage DNA makes …[continue reading]
Vera Sharav is a medical activist and a holocaust survivor. In her testimony before the German Corona Inquiry Committee she draws comparisons to the Nazi regime (up to minute 20:00) and explains in the second half of the interview her theory why all this is happening. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
I was interviewed today by Matthew D. Heines, host of ENCOUNTERS USA. I talk about the Rebel Gene aka “God Gene” and connect the dots leading up to today’s alien/AI/covid invasion. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): KERRY RE REBEL GENE – INTERVIEWED BY MATTHEW HEINES 3.28.21
To Mask Or Not To Mask EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Home
CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO THE NUTRITION COALITION How does garbage science get turned into national and then international policy? It’s an important question these days, isn’t it? After screening hundreds of hours of video, we found one that explains the whole process from A to Z. Nina Teicholz is leading the way. Click here for …[continue reading]
Tracey O’ Mahony Barrister at Law This video briefly examines the Digital Green Certificate Regulation. Please watch and share urgently. Link to draft legislation: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-conte… Link to Google Drive with draft letter to MEP and MEP contact list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folder… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
THREE VIDEOS The CoVid Crisis was a golden opportunity to: EDUCATE the public on the value of 1) sunshine and fresh air, 2) natural sources of bio-available Vitamin C (like lemons), 3) fresh produce and pasture raised meat, eggs, and cheese and WARN the public about the health destroying properties of: 1) industrial seed oils, …[continue reading]
A DETAILED CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS A CRYSTAL CLEAR EXPLANATION OF THE CORONA FRAUD We’ve been talking about many of these issues since as far back as March, but here they are all in one place. The timeline of the Great Con with a special focus on Germany. Applies to all countries. THE FULL VIDEO IS …[continue reading]
16th March 2021 TO ALL IRISH NATIONALS AT HOME AND ABROAD – NATIONAL NOTICE#5 TAKE NOTICE, that as the irish state, as the irish nations trustee, has defaulted national notice #2, I was obliged to issue national notice #5, a national default notice, to all the parties served under national notice #2; This national default …[continue reading]