Mary Lou McDonald’s Globalist Sinn Fein party’s credibility with the Irish working classes has taken another major body-blow in the last 24 hours. The Irish Examiner and Irish Independent (two Irish mainstream media rags now funded by Covid-ad money) have reported that one of Ireland’s main political parties Sinn Fein currently has their social media pages …[continue reading]
Health Canada has issued a warning about blue and gray disposable face masks, which contain an asbestos-like substance associated with “early pulmonary toxicity.” The SNN200642 masks, which are made in China and sold and distributed by a Quebec-based company called Métallifer, had been part of Canada’s public school reopening plan. Students were told that they needed to wear them …[continue reading]
Part 3 of the Health Preservation Act must be extended before 09 June 2021, failing which all restrictions around freedom will cease. We have a period of 8 weeks to ensure this extension does not take place. Please watch for the release of a suite of letters and instructions inside the next week. …[continue reading] ROADMAP FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIONS BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION BASED ON THE COMMISSIONCOMMUNICATION AND THE COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION ON STRENGTHENING COOPERATION AGAINST VACCINEPREVENTABLE DISEASES What’s the problem with the passport? The move doesn’t come without its controversy. It has been feared ‘vaccine passports’ run the risk of creating separate categories of people in society: the …[continue reading]
Michael Swinwood, a Canadian attorney, summarizes the backstory of who (W.H.O.) is behind global genocide. The Anonymous Patriots have posted enormous amounts of material on our sites to verify that Swinwood’s statements are historically accurate. Use the search bar at any of these sites to see the evidence – just type in ‘genocide’, ‘vaccines’, ‘Rothschilds’, …[continue reading]
A new genre of video is cropping up about the microscopic black strands that are being found in both the swabs used in COVID testing and in the disposable face masks. Seeing these strands, I was reminded of the strange microscopic objects that have been found in skin lesions of those suffering from Morgellons disease. …[continue reading]
Mark Devlin talks to The Bernician about everything that has transpired since the last time they talked in November 2020, in relation to the Private Criminal Prosecution of Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson for pandemic fraud. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
California startup Nano Diamond Battery (NDB) says it has designed a battery made from nuclear waste that will take up to 28,000 years to run out of charge. Image source: RT News The “forever” diamond battery was developed for use in deep space and other niche applications, but a consumer-facing prototype is also …[continue reading]
THREE VIDEOS The powers and dangers of honey Have a wound that isn’t healing? The surprising benefits of honey. Manuka honey – monoflora from New Zealand or Australia only – is renowned for its external healing properties. Make sure you watch Video #3 to make sure you get the real kind. Internal use? Not so …[continue reading]
– estimates of “Positive Cases” are meaningless. The lockdown has no scientific basis All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). First published on March 19, 2021 *** The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was …[continue reading]