The Smoking Man / 1 day ago Source – “…Rudolph Steiner was a nineteenth century philosopher and mystic called by some “the best kept spiritual secret of the 20th century.” In his ‘The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness’ a series of lectures given in Dornach in 1917, he warned that in the future, …[continue reading]
If you’ve been wondering how the world economy has been hijacked and humanity has been kidnapped by a completely bogus narrative, look no further than this video by Dutch creator, Covid Lie. What she uncovers is that the stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. They all own …[continue reading]
An Italian MP has called for billionaire Bill Gates to face trial in the International Criminal Court for charges of “crimes against humanity.” Sara Cunial, a member of Italy’s Parliament, is accusing Microsoft founder Gates of “working on depopulation and dictatorial control plans” around the world. The politician blasted Gates, the second-richest man in the world, for meddling in “global …[continue reading]
Economist and host Danielle DiMartino Booth talks with economics Professor Richard Werner about how banking really works, how money is actually created, what quantitative easing is really about, and why the Central Banking Cartel’s new digital reserve currency project will wipe out diversity in banking and drive global inflation. The answers to these questions also …[continue reading]
by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News A Texas medical doctor has alerted Health Impact News that the federal government, through its Medicare/Medicaid program, is now offering Texas doctors DOUBLE the normal reimbursement per vaccine for every experimental COVID shot they give to their patients. The shots are “free” to the patients. Source. The pharmaceutical vaccine …[continue reading]
What is true democracy? How we can help change society to be fairer and more conducive to the creation of prosperity? How can we bypass the censorship of mainstream media? Why is it so important to build not just your own independence – but that of your community? Join Mike Maloney …[continue reading]
Researcher, lecturer and author Marty Leeds returns to SGT Report to expose the evil and the rulers of the darkness with TRUTH. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
CARROT AND STICK The gangster state at work… Bribery, violence, extortion. Are they the foundations to build a global order on? Apparently, some people think so – and they’re in charge. If you watch this, you’ll never be confused about the news and how the world works today. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Look out the window, and think, “why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?” Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.’ Wed Apr 7, 2021 – 8:47 am EST Dr. Mike YeadonArshad Ebrahim …[continue reading]
Purchase Book: Transcription:… Interview with Alana Fournet – Intentional Health for Women: https://www.intentionalhealthforwomen… Link to written interview:… Viral Misconceptions – Presentation on The True Nature of Viruses Jeff Green, Researcher & Alternative Nutrition Introduction – 00:26 The Virus & Its Purpose – 2:09 Viral Infection – Medical Deception …[continue reading]