Lost Waves of Time, Atlantis, Sumeria, Ancient Egypt – Power of Sound (1&2)

Musician, historian, artist & scientist, Jill Mattson, joins the program to share her life long research into the intersection of music, art, science, and history. Her book the “Lost Waves of Time” is a journey through time and music; how music was used by the ancients for everything from medicine, agriculture, to war, but not …[continue reading]

The Lockdown Paradigm Is Collapsing

The one-time hero of the lockdown, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, is now deeply unpopular and most voters want him to resign. Meanwhile, polls have started to favor Florida governor and lockdown opponent Ron DeSantis for influence over the GOP in the future. This remarkable flip in fortunes is due to the dawning realization that the lockdowns were …[continue reading]

Pure, unalloyed evil masked as a pandemic

Story at-a-glance Mike Yeadon, a former vice president of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, is on a mission to inform as many people as possible about the elite powerbrokers that are using the pandemic as a smokescreen to conceal their real objectives Yeadon has done extensive research on the matter and provides compelling evidence …[continue reading]

Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P – Episode 44

The Vaccinated who have been injected are transmitting the Artificial Intelligent synthetic “affliction” to the unvaccinated. Symptoms of blood dyscrasia, menstruation, off bleeding, etc are being experienced by the unvaccinated who are co mingling with the vaccinated population. Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P – Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, …[continue reading]

18-year-old undergoes 3 brain surgeries from blood clots after J&J vaccine

By Megan Redshaw, J.D. LifeSiteNews has been permanently banned on YouTube. Click HERE to sign up to receive emails when we add to our video library. April 22, 2021 (Children’s Health Defense) – A Nevada teen who received Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) COVID vaccine on April 1 underwent three brain surgeries to repair blood clots …[continue reading]

Notices of Liability for COVID-19 Vaccine Harms and Deaths Served on All Members of the European Parliament

by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News “Doctors for COVID Ethics” issued a press release today stating that they had issued “Notices of Liability” for vaccine harms and deaths were served on all Members of the European Parliament ahead of the April 28 vote on EU vaccine passports. Notices of Liability for COVID-19 Vaccine Harms …[continue reading]

French drug evaluation center concludes: ‘All 4 COVID vaccines should be discontinued’

The Centre Territorial d’Information Pharmaceutique d’Avis (CTIAP for its French acronym) concluded that none of the four vaccines implemented in France are safe or effective. They all received emergency use authorization with insufficient clinical evidence and therefore demanded their immediate suspension.  CTIAP, which is linked to the Cholet public hospital in western France, recently published …[continue reading]