(Video) Texas Senate Hearing; COVID Vaccines DID have Animal Trials, All were halted because they Kept Dying

Texas Senate Hearing on May 6, 2021. This is a must watch for everyone, but particularly legislators and those who have not taken the vaccine yet. Legislators everywhere need to take up similar actions in each state. YOU MUST PROTECT PEOPLE. YOU MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): (Video) Texas Senate Hearing; COVID …[continue reading]

The 5G Trojan Horse Documentary

Truth Collective   The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The 5G Trojan Horse Researched, written, and narrated by Derrick Broze Produced and edited by Jeremy Martin Transcript and Sources: https://www.theconsciousresistance.co…   Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fatigue, stress, addiction, and pain: www.broze.freeounceofkratom.com   Please help us advance truth, …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

Fact Checking the 5G/Coronavirus Hypothesis

SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=35308 Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us to discuss the hypothesis that 5G is responsible for the symptoms associated with the coronavirus outbreak. We discuss the identifiable facts and the notable shortcomings with this hypothesis, and we contrast that with Derrick’s documentary, which lays out the no-nonsense, no-speculation …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

MUST WATCH: Interview with Del Bigtree and 3 Injured Healthcare Workers From Receiving Covid Injection

In a Highwire exclusive, Del Bigtree sits down with three healthcare workers who were on the frontline of Covid vaccine rollouts in America. In a candid and emotional interview, the three women go back to the day they received their vaccine, the severe reactions they endured starting just days after, and the complete denial the …[continue reading]