Chris Fogarty was raised on farm in Ireland where he worked the land with his father, and later went on to reside in the US. Mr. Fogarty has been a regular Columnist for the past nineteen years in Irish American News and is a citizen-investigator of Chicago aldermanic crime. He is the author of Ireland …[continue reading]
By Nick Corbishley Naked Capitalism So why are journalists not covering it? Michael Capuzzo, a New York Times best-selling author , has just published an article titled “The Drug That Cracked Covid”. The 15-page article chronicles the gargantuan struggle being waged by frontline doctors on all continents to get ivermectin approved as a Covid-19 treatment, …[continue reading]
Support Jason’s work at The Great Awakening Course… Jason’s book Michaels website Jason’s paintings and art gallery https://jason-liosatos-art.myshopify…. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
By The Corbett Report Today James talks to Christian Westbrook (aka the Ice Age Farmer) about the problems facing the global food supply—from the coming global solar minimum to the globalist plan to “reset the table” and transform global food systems. More importantly, we discuss what can be done about these problems. SHOW NOTES: …[continue reading]
Back in April I published an article titled ‘Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails’. In it I noted an odd trend which many of us in the liberty media have become aware of over the years – Almost every major man-made catastrophe in the US and in many other …[continue reading]
Julian Rose, ContributorWaking Times We are living in the land of fake-believe. Nothing is as it seems in this virtual world invented and monopolised by deceivers. A world in which warriors of truth are named ‘conspiracy theorists’ and masters of the lie are named ‘upholders of the truth’. And all the while, a largely hypnotized …[continue reading]
June 7, 2021 / 5 Comments “The tide is turning…The dam is about to burst…This is going to be a bad day for Dr. Fauci,” predicted Senator Paul in a statement last week. Little did we know a floodgate of Fauci’s emails would burst open to the public this week. Rand Paul’s …[continue reading]
The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected an appeal by Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to reverse a $2.1 billion verdict for plaintiffs who claim the company’s talc powder products gave them ovarian cancer. The pharmaceutical company, which developed the Janssen COVID vaccine, asked the top court to review the verdict, arguing it didn’t receive a fair trial in Missouri where the …[continue reading]
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which acts as a facade for the US military occupation of northeastern Syria, has instituted compulsory conscription for service in Uncle Sam’s armed forces. The population – loyal to the Syrian Arab Republic – took to the streets to protest. The Kurdish “police” “maintained public order” by firing live rounds …[continue reading]
To quote a timely report: “During the Nuremberg trials, the media were also prosecuted and members were killed for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of crimes against humanity.” Perhaps we should remind FB and Twitter and all the Mainstream Media Talking Heads? Media, too. And “Uniformed …[continue reading]