Drop everything and listen to what no one else is willing to tell you. The stark naked truth of human history in the next 2 years. — Share it everywhere, and snap back into reality. CORRECTIONS: Br. Bugnolo mispoke in reference to the locusts mentioned in Apocalypse Chapter 9:2-10, whom St. John says have power …[continue reading]

We are now at the beginning of what will be a historic collapse

It’s all coming to a disastrous end and the world faces a very dark future Alasdair Macleod: Yesterday, the FOMC [Federal Open Market Committee] released its June statement which only served to remind us that its members are powerless in the face of inflationary conditions. They refuse to accept the price consequences of monetary inflation, …[continue reading]

The Left Isn’t Failing, It’s Being Sabotaged: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

In later years we’re going to learn about some of the covert operations which US intelligence agencies and their proxies were using to smash the rise of socialism in America today and a lot of people are going to feel silly for all their remarks blaming the state of the left on leftists. I see …[continue reading]

Spike Proteins Decoded, God Gene Frequencies Revisited w/ Sharry Edwards

Sharry Edwards MEd, rejoins the program to discuss the COVID “vaccine” spike proteins that she has decoded. As of the time of this recording, she has decoded 46 proteins and anticipates more will be found. We also revisit the God gene, what it is and what the frequencies will do to your body. You can learn …[continue reading]

4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections While Spain and Russia Prohibit “Vaccinated” From Air Travel

Image source from social media and on Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact NewsA man claiming to be a friend with a British Airways pilot has stated that 3 pilots have just died within the past week shortly after receiving COVID-19 injections, and his recording has gone viral on social media. Here is the recording (let …[continue reading]

Over a dozen Mexican towns vote to reject political parties in latest election

More than a dozen villages in Mexico recently voted to remove political parties from their communities in favor of managing their own resources. On Sunday June 6th, midterm elections were held across Mexico, resulting in new governors and mayors. The “historic” election has been notable for the incidence of violence by organized crime, including the …[continue reading]


A new study reveals just how dirty masks can get in a single day, and the results are disturbing. The music industry speaks out as The Rock ‘n’ Roll Wars begin! Rebels or Rejects….Where do your favorite musicians stand when it comes to segregating their fan base? Then, myocarditis, a potentially serious heart condition, is …[continue reading]

THE HOUSE OF CARDS BEGINS TO FALL! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Testifies, ‘Ordinary Citizens Were Shocked’!

In the words of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, as she stood BOLDLY in front of the Ohio Legislature a few short days ago, “HOW COULD ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND AGREE TO TAKE THIS SHOT?!”Dr. Sherri Tenpenny takes the floor in favor of Ohio House Bill 248, The Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act – a bill …[continue reading]

WORLD WAR’C’: Wuhan Institute of Virology Was Secretly Engaged in ‘Weaponizing’ Coronaviruses On Behalf of Military Interests & Fauci Funded NIH

The Smoking Man / 6 hours ago Source – “…The revelation shows American money was funding risky ­research on coronaviruses with People’s Liberation Army scientists – including decorated military scientist Zhou Yusen and the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s “Bat Woman”, Shi Zhengli. Now we learn that Zhou, 54, is dead – three months after …[continue reading]

Canadian Genocide Tribunal to convene July 1, 2021: Crimes against Humanity to be Prosecuted

In the wake of the uncovering of mass graves of children at former Indian residential schools across Canada, an independent Canadian Genocide Tribunal is scheduled to convene on July 1, 2021. Its purpose will be to investigate and prosecute Crimes against Humanity by the Canadian government and the Crown of England, the Roman Catholic, Anglican …[continue reading]