The Unthinkable: Culling the Population To Balance the Books

Source – “…Those who know what this pandemic is really all about – insurance actuaries. It’s about balancing the accounting books. It is why progressive globalists tell us we need a reset – a financial reset. It’s really all about private bankers and life insurance companies and public pension planners having to balance their …[continue reading] – $40 Trillion Guardianship Scam, Euthanasia, Assets Stripped, Dignity Lost

Barbara Stone, co founder of, joins the program to discuss the $40 trillion dollar guardianship scam that is stripping human beings of dignity and life. Her organization has been fighting hard for victims of this abuse which includes the famous Britney Spears case. – $40 Trillion Guardianship Scam, Euthanasia, Assets Stripped, Dignity Lost. …[continue reading]


Last year, ICAN made FOIA requests to NIH for documents regarding COVID-19, including two requests for Anthony Fauci’s emails. ICAN has received nearly 3,000 emails sent by Fauci from early February 2020 through May 2020. Read what Fauci was saying privately about masks, therapeutics, vaccines, ventilators, and many other COVID-19 topics.   On April 10, …[continue reading]

Media rats jump off their sinking ship

  Story at-a-glance For the past year, anyone who discussed the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 coming from a lab was slandered and censored. Mainstream media insisted SARS-CoV-2 made the jump from bats to humans at one of Wuhan’s open-air wet markets To support this assertion, mainstream journalists relied on papers and “scientific consensus” statements concocted by …[continue reading]

Stockholm Syndrome over Mask Wearing

Source: Brian C. Joondeph, MD Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where “hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors and abusers.” This bonding can occur over days, weeks, or months of captivity and abuse. Rather than being terrorized by their captors, hostages sympathize with them, developing positive feelings, sharing common goals and causes, and …[continue reading]

Doctor on COVID Vax: “We Screwed-Up. We didn’t realize the Spike Protein is a TOXIN”

Audio from a radio show has emerged wherein Dr. Byram Bridle reveals the scientists behind the COVID-19 “Vaccine” made a terrible mistake. According to the Doctor, who cites a brand new, peer-reviewed research study out of Japan “They made a mistake – they thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, only to discover …[continue reading]

I’m a doctor, but Covid’s broken my faith in medical research. I can’t believe anything I read or accept any mainstream facts

29 May, 2021 09:05 Get short URL FILE PHOTO. People are seen near a giant effigy resembling the Covid-19 coronavirus. © AFP / SUJIT JAISWAL 889   5         Follow RT on By Malcolm Kendrick, doctor and author who works as a GP in the National Health Service in England. His blog can …[continue reading]