DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS NOT REPORTING VACCINE INJURIES CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT BRASSCHECK They lied about the transmission rate – massively. They lied about the fatality rate – massively. They lied about who was at risk – massively. They lied about the effectiveness of masks – massively. Now the lies they’re telling about their “final solution” are getting bigger …[continue reading]
by Aaron Hawkins The shortages and supply chain collapse that reared their head in 2021 escalate in 2022. This is a logistical certainty. The chain reaction set off by the mandates is just beginning. The corporate media and the politicians don’t want to talk about the blockades by port workers and truckers or the rebellion …[continue reading]
New research out of Sweden has found that post-vaccination “immunity” – if you can even call it that – from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is temporary at best, and completely gone within months. Like most of the other plandemic paraphernalia, the injections are not all that popular in Sweden, and for good reason. Researchers there …[continue reading]
Dr. Zelenko Board Certified Family Physician with over 20 years experience. Dr. Zelenko was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Prize , Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko …[continue reading]
Mike Colomb, rancher, entrepreneur, and organizer of Private Membership Associations (PMAs), says that your business can be set free from the jurisdiction of the overreaching government through a private structure that is not subject to the state, its rules and its taxation system. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): In a Time of Government Oppression, Private Membership …[continue reading]
Pope Francis – International Common Law Arrest Warrant (ICLCJ): Child Rape, Torture & Trafficking EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
it IS a WAR. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Just as the private jets of the global elites swarm to Davos, Switzerland, every year for the World Economic Forum, so too are they descending on Glasgow for this week’s COP26 climate conference. The Sunday Mail reports some 400 private jets are due to disgorge their cargo of world leaders and business executives for the event. In doing …[continue reading]
The COP26 UN Climate Change Conference has been accused of holding world leaders to different Covid-19 standards than the general public after its rules revealed vaccine passports are only mandatory for normal ticket holders. Social media users pointed out on Saturday – just one day before the conference in Glasgow, Scotland – that those who …[continue reading]
Dr Judy Wilyman will blow your mind about the truth about Covid. Share this with everyone. Dr. Wilyman has a Master of Science degree (Population Health) and a PhD in the History of the Control of Infectious Diseases in Australia. Judy was a science teacher for 20 years before completing her PhD in this public …[continue reading]