Covid “Delta Variant” is just a fancy name for vaccine injury

Just take out the Marxist playbook and turn to the next page, where the “Delta” variant of the China-disease ‘scamdemic’ is now to blame for every upcoming death caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. Beware of the “Delta variant” and the “Beta variant,” but still get the Covid-19 vaccines, if you haven’t, they’re telling everyone. So …[continue reading]

Harald Kautz Vella (Black Goo) A.I., Archons (Bases Series w Miles Johnston)

Bases at Woodborough – Harald Kautz Vella (Black Goo) A.I., Archons, & NASA’s Deep Dark Secret ⱷ • • • •••ⱷ •••• • • • • Published by Miles Johnston on Jul 15, 2015 ⱷ • • • ••••ⱷ • • • •••ⱷ •••• • • • • Harald Kautz-Vella presents his detailed lecture on …[continue reading]

Notice of Establishment of Lienut the notice title here

NOTICE OF LIEN A Common Law Commercial Lien has been LAWFULLY established between myself patrick:gleeson and the corporation/person/individual who accepts liability for the Name “Antonia Mota de Sousa Horta-Osorio” At address c/o Bank of Scotland PLC, Unit 42 Gyle Shopping Centre , Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh.EH12 9JU,Scotland. And c/o Bank of Scotland PLC, The Mound, Edinburgh, …[continue reading]

Dr Byram Bridle speaks for 100 colleagues afraid to share science about COVID vaccine concerns

In Brief The Facts: Dr Byram Bridle and two other physicians spoke at a news conference on Parliament Hill about their experience being censored or harassed as a result of sharing their medical opinions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflect On: Do we as citizens truly want our scientists and physicians to be silenced and censored? …[continue reading]

Mind Control: A Comprehensive Overview

Charles Burris, Lew RockwellWaking Times Editor’s Note: An outstanding compilation of full documentaries, videos and books put together by covering America’s sordid history with various forms of mind control, even on its own population. The Minds of Men       Mind Control – America’s Secret War It is one of the ill-kept secrets of …[continue reading]

Dr. Fleming: Covid-19, Undisputably a US Bioweapon

This video interview with Richard Fleming PhD., MD., JD. to be extremely understandable and informative. He backs up everything he says with pdfs of papers and support documents on his “published research” page: He covers the following at various time points during the 45min interview, released on 05/13/21: ~5:30 min: Notes the acknowledgment in …[continue reading]


Drop everything and listen to what no one else is willing to tell you. The stark naked truth of human history in the next 2 years. — Share it everywhere, and snap back into reality. CORRECTIONS: Br. Bugnolo mispoke in reference to the locusts mentioned in Apocalypse Chapter 9:2-10, whom St. John says have power …[continue reading]

We are now at the beginning of what will be a historic collapse

It’s all coming to a disastrous end and the world faces a very dark future Alasdair Macleod: Yesterday, the FOMC [Federal Open Market Committee] released its June statement which only served to remind us that its members are powerless in the face of inflationary conditions. They refuse to accept the price consequences of monetary inflation, …[continue reading]

The Left Isn’t Failing, It’s Being Sabotaged: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

In later years we’re going to learn about some of the covert operations which US intelligence agencies and their proxies were using to smash the rise of socialism in America today and a lot of people are going to feel silly for all their remarks blaming the state of the left on leftists. I see …[continue reading]