Special Replying Counter Notice: Under The Common Law: For olive may: boyd: Served on: denise: mc bride:, michael: humphreys:, michael: wilson: and keara: powell:, Special Replying Counter Notice Under The Common Law For olive may boyd 1-2cb93710
Sensitivity Normal – Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ex6dvBQqzf7L/
Free cut from Corona Committee Session 77 EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bitchute.com/video/THmaCxcms2MI/
Source: Patty McMurray Only moments ago, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) tweeted: “Biden’s vaccine mandate is illegal, unconstitutional, unscientific, immoral, and hurtful,” adding, “But there’s another big reason it should be nullified immediately: More than half of the states oppose it already.” Business Insider is reporting that more than half of the United States of …[continue reading]
Unless fear and comfort are the true pillars of the Church by Jon Rappoport November 8, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) Let me start by saying, everybody acts from faith. Faith in something, no matter what it is. A billion Catholics are not the Vatican. The Vatican, through the Pope, has made …[continue reading]
– deaths with covid vs deaths from covid Italian Institute of Health Drastically Reduces Its Official COVID Death Toll Number Changes defintiion of COVID death from ‘with COVID’ to ‘by COVID’. The Italian Higher Institute of Health has drastically reduced the country’s official COVID death toll number by over 97 per cent after changing the …[continue reading]
Special Replying Counter Notices: Under The Common Law. For brian: cole:, charlene: murray:, geoffrey william: jordan:, declan george: billington:, philip: gilpin: and maria: mulholland: on behalf of isaac john: little: binder-4e49d101
First I review a few of the latest developments on the ongoing war against the devolved Pagan cult, the surge of mRNA shot injuries that are now causing overwhelmed emergency rooms across the United States and the UK body count. I also share some really positive developments within the Rabbinical court – this is a …[continue reading]
BenSwann Round-table discussion at the U.S. Senate building in Washington DC where vaccine injured spoke about their experience and the tens of thousands of others who are being “erased” by politicians and social media. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/health-healing/hear-the-suppressed-voices-of-the-vaccine-injured/
WHO sounds alarm over looming Covid-19 catastrophe in Europe Europe is back at the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic and could see another half a million Covid-19 deaths by February, the World Health Organization’s top official in the region, has said. “The current pace of transmission across the 53 countries of the European region is …[continue reading]