Pharma-controlled media pretends masks and vaccines were the savior. TOKYO, Japan (PNN) – October 29, 2021 – Japan just flattened its biggest COVID curve yet, and it did so by legalizing and using ivermectin. In almost every country, infection rates and daily death records have increased with each new wave of sickness. The public health …[continue reading]
We are being crushed by a vertically-integrated, synchronized cascade of crimes on a scale that is hard to fathom. It’s been so destabilizing and traumatic, that we may have lost sight of the numerous capital, criminal, civil and international laws that have been and are, at this very moment being outrageously violated by the malefactors …[continue reading]
This is a full length presentation of Dr. David Martin’s riveting Red Pill Expo speech reveals the “they” — the names and faces of the people who created this Covid “theater of terror” and who are murdering adults and children with their bio-weapon. Not only does he call out the culprits and put their names …[continue reading]
Silhouette of man meditating with energy beams surrounding him In Brief The Facts: Scientists and researchers at the HeartMath Institute have discovered that our electromagnetic fields may affect other people and the environment. The emotions we feel may alter the information coded into our electromagnetic fields and have different impacts on the surrounding environment. Reflect …[continue reading]
at the freedom march in London, Anna De Buisseret spoke in detail at Parliament Square about the sheer magnitude of crimes against humanity that has been committed and being investigated by teams of lawyers from around the world with many trials starting to take place. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
What can we expect in the future? It could go either way, as described in this excellent short video. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
According to Richard Werner, banks do not make loans and they don’t take deposits. During what we think is a loan process, the customer issues a promissory note (IOU) and the bank buys it from the customer. But the bank does not actually give the customer money. To see what is happening, we must switch …[continue reading]
Special Replying Counter Notice: Under The Common Law: For olive may: boyd: Served on: charlotte: timoney: and fiona: swail: Special Replying Counter Notice Under The Common Law For olive may boyd-210bbbcd
Special Replying Counter Notice: Under The Common Law: For olive may: boyd: Served on: mary patricia: robinson:, jill anne: hendron: and william: ferris: Special Replying Counter Notice Under The Common Law For olive may boyd 3-8494e7a5
Special Replying Counter Notice: Under The Common Law: For olive may: boyd: Served on: keara: powell: keith: gibson: and andrew: weir: Special Replying Counter Notice Under The Common Law For olive may boyd 2-c9559d8b