Dr. David Martin joins Stew Peters to talk about how we can end this nightmare called COVID-19. David has been spending the past year and a half fighting to unravel what he says is the global criminal conspiracy of coronavirus. Parties include the American and Chinese governments, the International Monetary Fund and Blackrock. David says …[continue reading]
Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that injection passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society. She believes that this passport system was manufactured in order to help bring about a financial reset, replacing our failing fiat currency system. Because passports are so …[continue reading]
TRANSCRIPT No government in the history of mankind has ever relinquished power voluntarily. The power that they have taken away from us over the past 20 months they will never give back. They have taken away our freedom of speech, they have closed the churches, they have taken away jury trials against companies, no matter …[continue reading]
My thinking on all matters relating to the “Fauci virus” and the “Fauci Trojan horse bio-weapon” took a deep dive over the weekend, due to a sequence of recent Austrian government proclamations, one following upon the other, starting with “no more tests” for the “un-vaxxed” which, permissible over the summer months, allowed all the Untermenschen inhabiting this …[continue reading]
The following is an old exploration from over 20 years ago. It doesn’t relate to me nor to any individual personally. It relates to the generic human being, to the human condition, to humanity in general. Am I my physical body? Parts of my physical body can be removed. Limbs can be amputated. Organs can …[continue reading]
Timewave Spirals – The Coming Separation of the Timewave Spiral Templates in Nov 2023 EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
TheCrowhouse EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bitchute.com/video/prhnQ0z1H7Ed/
A chillingly deep dark dive into the shadows of the Government Alphabet Agency underworld of big tech and big Pharma biowarfare and it’s sinister connection to the current events happening around us right now. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/
Producer of “Hunger Games” talks about Hollywood pedophiles EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=989409494973918
Dr. Tenpenny & General Flynn Expose How Medical & Monetary Fraud Is Being Used to Destroy America EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Login