COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism, With Dr. Madej

In this presentation with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman, Dr. Carrie Madej explains that the elites peddling the COVID shots are also pushing transhumanism… and the two are closely related. Genetic modifications and new technologies are on the verge of changing what it means to be human, and the elites are really pushing the …[continue reading]

The Story of Ivermectin

IVERMECTIN LIST OF ARTICLES FOR NORMIES     Nobel Prize multi use for IVERMECTIN IVERMECTIN for Cov2 IVERMECTIN IVERMECTIN anti viral action IVERMECTIN as Ionophore IVERMECTIN stopping viral replication IVERMECTIN World Use C19 IVERMECTIN Extremely safe IVERMECTIN Works when distributed …[continue reading]

Newsbreak 133|BREAKING: Dr. Young Reveals Graphene, Aluminium, LNP Capsids, Parasite in 4 Vaccines

Absolutely bombshell and major reveals on what is in the vaccines, with use of electron and other kinds of microscopy from original research by Dr. Robert Young and his team, confirming what the La Quinta Columna researchers found—toxic nanometallic content with cytotoxic and genotoxic effects as well as an identified parasite. This is major revelation: …[continue reading]

The Vaccine Holocaust Is Well Underway—The War Against Humanity

By Walt Gelles The world has been ambushed.  We are in the midst of a war against humanity. Yet most people aren’t aware there is a war going on. Those who carried out the ambush have easily and quickly overrun country after country, like Hitler’s blitzkrieg “lightning war”.  Those who did the ambush—call them the …[continue reading]

Tartarian Empire – Missing Link to the Globalist Treachery w/ Susan Bradford

Susan Bradford joins the program to share her in-depth research behind the mysterious Tartarian Empire. We learn how the world’s largest empire was erased from history and how it ties into the Globalists, China, and the Satanic cult. You can learn more about her and her books, including “Tartar Treachery: The Inside Story on How …[continue reading]

DAVID DuBYNE ~ “Agenda 2030 Vs. Adapt 2030: Mini Ice Age ~ Grand Solar Minimum” [Age Of Truth TV]

DAVID DuBYNE is the creator of the ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age 2105-2035 video series and Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast was a former coffee buyer in N.E Myanmar around Pyin Oo Lwin and when coffee farmers told of cold weather damage to plants with top leaf kill, decreased bean density and the need to …[continue reading]

Your supreme power or authority

might be of interest to some – an “under the hood” short chat, re info to assist deconstructing some man made indoctrinations/belief systems; The “awakening” frequencies of Aquarius are distilling the future challenge down, to a ring “fenced” boxing match, between real (natural systems) vs fake (man made belief systems); Thus probably of benefit, to …[continue reading]

Ruling class increasingly calls upon the private sector to make lives of the ‘unvaccinated’ difficult

Is anyone sick of being ruled and owned yet? The ruling class is not letting up and increasingly calling upon businesses in the private sector to help them roll out the permanent slave state. They aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they want to own us, our bodies, and our minds at this …[continue reading]