A Syringe pointed at you is No different than a Gun, defend yourselves! Co-Existence with the Left will Never be Possible. LIGHT UP THE DARKNESS!! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): W.H.O. Concedes the Covid Virus Is Just Like the Common Flu! 500,000 Americans Dead From Vaccine!
The Jones Plantation EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Global elites are using the current COVID-19 pandemic to fundamentally reshape the world economy in their globalist image. Will they succeed? Watch to find out! Home EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
ABOUT THE VAX AND TRUMP……The reality is that JFKjr/Juan and Trump are a tag team. Trump wears the real mask hiding who he really is… playing a part to garner the vote and acting like he backs the vaccine while Juan is staunchly speaking out against vaccines and telling the Patriots what’s really happening in …[continue reading]
Fauci, Gates, and Daszak Charged With Crimes Against Humanity In International Courts EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.banned.video/watch?id=61c4bf002a575232aa6e61a9
This is The Moment, We All Have Been Waiting For. The New Earth of Light, Channeling & Gnostic Guidance. Beautiful Blessings Dear Family of Light, Every day just keeps getting Brighter and Brighter, with the Loving Light Energies Coming from Our Infinite Creator, The Christos who is also here in these moments, …[continue reading]
For this special night, I am airing another important video that has been removed by the censorship cabal. This video is one of my favorites and it scientifically shows the incredible and very real power of human love; the most important and strongest human expression. It’s what we need much more of in this world. …[continue reading]
As I speak it is the 22nd December 2021. It may be after that when you see this but it won’t be before. In this video, my 300th and my Christmas and New Year Special, I’m going to look back at the last two years and forward to the year ahead – and predict the …[continue reading]
Part 20: Covid-19: Part 3 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.About Face Masks, Social Distancing, and much more… By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha KoeterMusic: Alexander Nakarada, Gothic Storm, Foxwinter, Mortifer V., AShamaluev, T. Mutiu, Zakhar Valaha. This is part 20 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 21 will be uploaded as soon as …[continue reading]
If You’ve Had COVID You’re Likely Protected for Life BY Joseph Mercola TIMEDecember 21, 2021 If you’ve had COVID-19, even a mild case, major congratulations to you as you’ve more than likely got long-term immunity, according to a team of researchers from Washington University School of Medicine. In fact, you’re likely to be immune for life, …[continue reading]