Valencia police have proclaimed, ”We promised to protect and serve the people not the corrupt politicians. We feel very proud to be police but real police, not hit men of the government. Our association is in direct contact with members of security forces in Italy, Portugal, France, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, and Holland. We’re going …[continue reading]
One of our more popular Alfacast guests, Reinette Senum, returns for what promises to be an inspiring and entertaining interview. In our last episode with Reinette she shared stories from her amazing life from braving the trans-Alaskan wilderness by dogsled, to filmmaking, writing and community activism. As the major of Nevada City, California, Reinette rose …[continue reading]
Andrew Kaufman M.D. refutes Jeremy Hammond’s recent interview opining that SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to exist. Point by point, Kaufman debunks Hammond’s explanation of how a virus is discovered. The definitions, the science, and technology behind isolation, the methodology being used by scientists, and the agenda by governmental agencies are examined with the appropriate corrections. …[continue reading]
Big pharma, government leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://rumble.com/vsnxgn-itccs-common-law-court-verdict-jan-15-2022.html?fbclid=IwAR0a2rUOP3__6HAylFxT6tVTK77qxpVVtUlLjCWnRkdxkSYxwp1LoI0Ldvs
– new data from life insurance companies confirm By Michael Snyder Death is in the air. Unless you have been living in a cave for the past 12 months, you already know that this is true. Old people are dying, young people are dying, famous people are dying, and countless hard working Americans that make …[continue reading]
In its Native American meaning, wetiko is an evil cannibalistic spirit that can take over people’s minds, leading to selfishness, insatiable greed, and consumption as an end in itself, destructively turning our intrinsic creative genius against our own humanity. Revealing the presence of wetiko in our modern world behind every form of destruction our species …[continue reading]
Fertilizing crops with a slurry of human remains and human excrement is bad but apparently, it’s not bad enough for our Satanic overlords, who aim to take out the middleman – that is, the crops – and simply let us eat sh¡t. Ice Age Farmer, Christian Westbrook is back with more news about the engineered food crisis …[continue reading]
https://www.theepochtimes.com/perspectives-on-the-pandemic-with-dr-peter-mccullough_4221243.html?utm_source=healthnoe&utm_campaign=health-2022-01-19&utm_medium=email&est=iiw9rIiLEinNK4mhIm6tT4Udo%2F8a6Gtqh%2FgJESB5hnaqyxmeRheuR4A3%2Fcc%3D Dr. Peter McCullough has an impressive list of credentials — he’s an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas and is the editor of two medical journals and published hundreds of studies in the literature. He’s also among those brave and courageous persons speaking …[continue reading]
Aisling O’Loughlin will be speaking to primary school teacher, Barra De Róiste about the on-going difficulties that children are facing in the classroom regarding mask mandates, the action that teachers have initiated in an attempt to halt the vaccine rollout for 5 to 11 year olds. They’ll also be discussing Barra’s involvement in the annual …[continue reading]