What the U.S. Are Really Doing in Ukraine

What are the West and NATO’s true objectives with Ukraine? You can be certain about one thing: the mainstream media will not give the public an honest answer. Besides containing Russia, their main target is actually Germany. In this segment we explain why.  Co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson breakdown what is really happening under …[continue reading]


WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: EMBALMERS FIND VEINS AND ARTERIES FILLED WITH NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN RUBBERY CLOTS veins-and-arteries-filled-with-never-before-seen-rubbery-clots Dr Jane Ruby has her own show now on Stew Peters’ Rumble channel and on Wednesday, she was joined by board-certified embalmer and funeral director, Richard Hirschman. As part of the embalming process, the veins of the deceased are first drained of …[continue reading]


PROFILE IN COURAGE: VERA SHARAZ HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR AND OUTSPOKEN OPPONENT OF THE SINISTER COVID CON Vera Sharaz… Holocaust survivor, outspoken opponent of the Covid Con, and nearly totally censored by the mainstream, the “alternative” and even the “resistance” press. Yet no one is speaking out more clearly. Please share this one widely. We recommend this grassroots …[continue reading]

MASSIVE Protests WORLDWIDE Against Vaccine Tyranny! – From Canada To Washington & Belgium!

There are massive protests hitting the streets of many places around the world. It’s not like the protests actually work, but what does work is showing strength in numbers. It’s not about asking the government for permission. It’s about telling the government: We don’t need permission and we are the resistance. The government will never …[continue reading]

Olympic Gymnast dies right after Covid Vaccination – and the Media says: “Anti-vaxxer dies from Covid.”

  This is what they do to people who play along: Hungarian gymnast and Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany had once expressed “anti-vaccination views on social media”, but then he was pressured to take the Covid vaccine, falls ill of pneumonia within days with a positive Covid test, dies on a ventilator, and the mainstream …[continue reading]

The Hathors, The Art of Jumping Timelines

Who Are the Hathors? The Hathors say that they are a group of interdimensional, intergalactic beings who were connected ancient Egypt through the Temples of the Goddess Hathor, as well as several other pre-history cultures Who Are the Hathors? EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+hathors+tom+kenyon&view=detail&mid=12DEE5FA7FF67C33B40712DEE5FA7FF67C33B407&FORM=VIRE

A Massive Fraud Has Been Perpetrated. By Dr. Michael Yeadon PhD.

Story at-a-glance Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, fears the combination of vaccine passports and booster vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 variants may be part of a mass depopulation agenda Asymptomatic spread is a fallacy capitalized upon to spread fear and induce compliance. …[continue reading]