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Medical experts reveals that Justin Trudeau Ordered 10 times More Vaccines Than There Are Canadians. Follow the money…Trudeau failed to tell Canadians that Canada gets a kick back every time that Pfizer or Moderna shots are given… He literally has a price on your heads Canada EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 – 20:58. The TV version of the Doug and Dave Intel Report covered the viability of the emerging operational nature of American-based concentration camps with covid/vaccine mandates being the excuse. I have recently covered how Washington, New York and now Arizona are operationalizing concentration camps. Some …[continue reading]
Attorney Tom Renz rejoins the program to share even more DoD whistleblower data that he was unable to share at Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing PLUS he has even more explosive information to share about the coverup by the DoD. Make no mistake, we are witnessing mass genocide and the data proves it. To stay up …[continue reading]
By Sarah Westall | | Encouraged to Share with Links Four reward statements were released by the International Common Law Court of Justice offering a 10,000 dollar award each for the “arrest of the following convicted felons”. The names listed in the rewards are as follows: REWARD: “Queen” Elizabeth Windsor, Archbishop of …[continue reading]
Good evening patriots! As we were all tuned into Potus’ speech today at CPac, we will have a breakdown of what is going on tomorrow on our regular daily blog post. Tonight, however, we have a movie recommendation that every truth seeker must watch. Dr. Leonard Horowitz has been speaking out against the cabal and …[continue reading]
The current insanity goes WAY beyond loss of basic rights. The “treatment” is destroying people’s health. One case study. By the way, the stats are in for Scotland. Guess who was more likely to “get COVID”in Scotland this winter? The vaccinated. Yes. According to this government report, getting the vaccine Details: Public Health Scotland COVID-19 & …[continue reading]
This latest Greg Reese video about the findings of La Quinta Columna (the Fifth Column) is of interest for both the injected and the non-injected, because we all need to know what is in them and their potential effects. Those who are able to survive the procedure may find they are no longer in control of their …[continue reading]
Bombshell evidence of nanotech particulates in the Pfizer Comirnaty® injection have been found by NZ scientists and has resulted in the government being put on notice. After being denied a meeting with the Director General of Health and other health officials, the information was presented to a Health Select Committee through lawyer Sue Grey where …[continue reading]
Mercola: Moderna Had Specific COVID-19 mRNA Shot Ready in 2019 BEFORE Pandemic Was Announced Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola It is now apparent that Moderna had already completed development of its mRNA gene therapy shot in 2019 BEFORE COVID-19 was announced to be spreading from China to the world. This has serious ramifications to the …[continue reading]