See What Rand Paul Just Said To Nancy Pelosi And The Entire Democrats EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Dr. David Martin with an emergency broadcast message everyone needs to hear, know about and spread… Real News & Commentary for Patriots: Join our Community: Support Our Effor… MORE Category Health & Medical Sensitivity Normal – Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
This is an excerpt of a recent Max Igan report. ▹ Watch the full report here 👉🏽… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Kevin Annett rejoins the program to discuss the indictments, warrants, and bounties that have been issued for 75 people who have been name for crimes against humanity by the International Common Law Court of Justice. We also discuss the 3 arrests that have already been made and the fact that people in other countries have …[continue reading]
For the latest videos please go here: The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions. Learn more about the committee: Anonymous tips to the Corona Committee: https://securewhistleblower.comDr. Reiner Fuellmichs english Telegram channel: OVALmedia: through your donation the work of the …[continue reading]
Evidence is mounting by the day, which shows that every make of COVID-19 jab is packed with carbon nanotubes and associated self assembling intra body nano network technology. In today’s show we present evidence from many independent studies, produced in several different countries, which have carefully examined the contents of the so called vaccines. From …[continue reading]
Here’s How They Rolled Out The Covid Tyranny Nation By Nation So Quickly SOTN Editor’s Note First some essential background. Both OPERATION COVID-19 along and the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda were on the drawing board since at least 1913. With the passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the international banksters (Central Banking Cartel …[continue reading]
With few cards left to play after several weeks of disgraceful comments aimed at Canada’s working class and the growing freedom convoys, PM Justin Trudeau has reportedly told his cabinet and provincial leaders that he’ll pursue invoking “The Emergencies Act” to end protests in Ottawa and across the country, according to a new CBC report. …[continue reading]
Michael Tellinger speaks about the history of humanity and how we need to take our power back from this parasitic dark force that have been feeding off of us for far too long. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Deborah Tavares: 5G KILL CITIES-INNOVATING DEPOPULATION – SGT Report – [13/02/2022] EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):