N🕳️R🐇ZWRLD Nigel Cheese Cooper Hands – This Magnet Rabbit Hole went from 10 to 100 and got a lot deeper real quick! A few months ago I started my…. magnet research road to perpetual motion – as I’ve been calling it. A dive into an old hobby, and a close tie to my truther paths …[continue reading]
Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone joins Abby to discuss his new film JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, his journey into the case, the evidence of a CIA-orchestrated assassination and American foreign policy. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=abby+martin+latest+interview&docid=608005801301455557&mid=FE9FB892AD82EAF86046FE9FB892AD82EAF86046&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Keto, Intermittent Fasting or the use of Dr. Berg products. Consultants are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 10 pm EST. Saturday & Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm …[continue reading]
So they tried to hide the data that says the ‘cure’ was deadlier than what they told you the virus was? Real News & Commentary for Patriots: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/ Join our Community: https://redvoicemedia.net/community Support Our Efforts To Keep Truth Alive: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/support-red-voice-media/ Get Dr. Vladimir ‘Zev’ Zelenko M.D.’s Z-Stack Protocol, use code RVM for discount: https://redvoicemedia.net/zstack Get Official RVM Apparel: https://redvoicemedia.net/apparel Get …[continue reading]
Grab your Red/Blue Light Teeth Whitening Kit at https://naturalteethwhiteners.com/jp Check Out My Merch Here – https://awakenwithjp.com See my LIVE Comedy Shows – https://awakenwithjp.com/pages/events Take a stand against censorship. Join my Awakened Warriors Email List – https://awakenwithjp.com/joinme Klaus Schwab is bringing you the great reset. And not only will it be great, …[continue reading]
Original Document:https://stopthecrime.net/docs/….SILENT%20WEAPONS%20f 1) All elected presidents globally deployed 5G and 5G is highfrequency microwave which is military weapon directed against the peoplefrom satellites and cell phone towers … 5G microwave behind the fluelike symptoms , cough, difficulty to breath ,pulpitation in heart andlow immunity …etc ! 2) All elected presidents globally rolled out the called …[continue reading]
Investigative Journalist, Dave Hodges, joins the program to share his latest intel on the Ukraine BioLabs and the war in Russia. The intel dates back to 2015 and the Obama administration. We also discuss Hunter Biden’s laptop and other new intel we have found. This is a bombshell filled episode you do not want to …[continue reading]
This beautiful, state-of-the-art cymatics video is the voice of Anders Holte and the music of Cacina Meadu made visible by CymaScope instrument. Anders & Cacina are gifted artistes and their music is loved internationally. They recording was made for an online event, hosted by Tsipi Raz, director of “The 1 Field” documentary. Anders & Cacina …[continue reading]
How Spirit and the Divine may triumph over Ego and the Matrix. Spirit working together with Intellect allows us to work outside the rules of the Matrix Control System. We can’t overcome the conspiracy using only 3D methods and thinking. We have to shift to higher consciousness. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
What the Climate Hoax has really been about – David Icke Dot Connector Videocast EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bitchute.com/video/NVCvOfsLJnZF/