There was never any doubt, but now there is certainty: Twitter isn’t about free speech, it isn’t about shareholder value, it isn’t a market driven private enterprise and it sure as hell isn’t about democracy. It is a thought control platform. For weeks, Elon Musk had been tweeting complaints about Twitter’s censorship policies, particularly after …[continue reading]
In this powerful, crucial episode of “Financial Rebellion,” guest Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs discusses the push to use “major psychological obedience training” to control the population, “cradle to grave.” Corey breaks down the programs that utilize data mining and indoctrinate users to rely on digital currency. She also provides practical advice on how to …[continue reading]
Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in 2008, reports show in late 2019 and 2020, the U.S. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. At the end of March, investigative journalists, Pam and Russ Martens from Wall Street on Parade, uncovered $3.84 trillion …[continue reading]
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich joins us for an update on the Grand Jury, explaining Phase 2: an actual trial and enforcement for judgement of crimes against humanity. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The wholesale prices in Germany rose at a record pace in March. Compared to the same month the previous year, wholesale prices jumped by 22.6%, as the Federal Statistical Office announced on Tuesday in Wiesbaden. This is the highest increase since calculations ever began in 1962. In February, the rate was already high at 16.2%, …[continue reading]
THIS INSANITY HAS NEVER BEEN REPUDIATED Are they going to bring back savage lock downs again to the world beyond China? They could. Why? Zero CoVid has never been repudiated. And Bill Gates is still spending millions to sell it. A replay of a video we published over 10 months ago and why this is …[continue reading]
Anna von Reitz, James Tracy, Paul Peterson and Stephen Socha join me for a roundtable discussion about your birthright VS. your fictional corporate identity and much more. As Anna puts it, knowledge is power, and the ultimate civil power resides in every individual in America. This is part 1 of 2. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): …[continue reading]
Life long historian Bobby Graves, rejoins the program to discuss true American History that he has uncovered through hours and hours of research. He shares his knowledge, which is significantly different than your history books, about the Civil War, the Crown, and the link between the Khazarian Mafia and the Vatican. We also discuss your …[continue reading]
With the price of food rising and availability dicey, boosting food production in any way possible can only help. There’s nothing cheaper or more available than the food you grow yourself! Both greens and micro-greens can be grown indoors, even in winter, even in an apartment. This article will tell you how! How to grow …[continue reading]
What is the title of that old song? Oh yeah – “Who Are You?”. Do you know who you are? Until you have accurate comprehension of this question, you might have a tough time dealing with legal ideas and all that proceeds in a courtroom. And, if that is not enough to contend with, comprehension …[continue reading]