The film 2000 Mules, which documents claims of fraud during the 2020 elections, grossed more than $1 million in its first 12 hours of streaming. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Researchers at Charité Berlin, Germany’s top hospital and one of Europe’s largest, have announced a high rate of severe side effects lasting months or longer based on a survey of about 40,000 Germans. Some highlights: Researchers estimate 8 serious side effects per 1,000 vaccinated people (1 out of every 125), compared to 0.2 per 1,000 …[continue reading]
Guest: Bobby Graves A Warrior Calls – for live stream access every Monday and Thursday @8pm EST ***The world must go to and download all pdf’s and videos.All the evidence the world needs to see to understand the COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 LIE will be found. the world must go for truth and the …[continue reading]
– You do not escape by fighting it or trying to change it, but by removing yourself from it – EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Episode 7: MODERN DAY ROBBER BARONS Cancer-Causing Vaccines & Depopulation GMO * Genocide * Geoengineering – See more at: EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Shots puts an amusing spin on the little-known history of eugenics. It traces the genocidal, anti-ethnic eugenics movement which resulted in the sterilization and elimination of millions. It exposes how the wealthiest families financed the evolution of eugenics into Nazi Germany, and pushed America into perpetual wars. These families further influenced government’s elimination of financial …[continue reading]
This is the most thorough and insightful video I’ve seen thus far about the manifold implications of the global government takeover via the International Health Regulations (IHR) of the World Health Organization that are being voted on in Geneva Switzerland this May 22-28th. Pete Santilli breaks it down for Alex Jones, saying, “Here we are, two …[continue reading]
He predicted 9/11. Now economic forecaster, Martin Armstrong, warns Del the current path society is headed down could lead to the end of nations. #MartinArmstrong #EconomicForecaster #EndOfNations POSTED: February 22, 2022 EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Episode 1: QUESTION EVERYTHING! A Primer on Pervasive Propaganda From the Founding Fathers to Flexner to Fauci – EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):