International Law is a meaningless concept when it only applies to US enemies

Australian whistleblower David McBride just made the following statement on Twitter: “I’ve been asked if I think the invasion of Ukraine is illegal. My answer is: If we don’t hold our own leaders to account, we can’t hold other leaders to account. If the law is not applied consistently, it is not the law. It …[continue reading]

Exclusive: Biological Weapons Expert Exposes Labs In Ukraine And China Run By U.S. Government

Dr. Francis Boyle was interviewed by Owen Shroyer ( on Monday and dropped several important bombshells (see video below). First, know that Dr. Boyle is the author of the international agreement prohibiting gain-of-function bioweapons research, signed by Reagan in the 1980s. And since that time, Dr. Boyle has been battling the efforts of Tony Fauci …[continue reading]

84% increase in deaths of Millennials (25-44 years) than normal

 Ed Dowd: “Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality” “It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.” Can you guess what caused it? I think I know… Steve Kirsch Mar 15 Overview Someone sent me this article: Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data …[continue reading]

Their Medicine is Poison

Spread the love   more     Pfizer chief Albert Bourla is now insisting that the COVID vaccine will be needed annually, akin to a flu shot. “It is necessary, a fourth booster right now,” Bourla said. “The protection that you are getting from the third, it is good enough, actually quite good for hospitalizations …[continue reading]

Statement of the Benefactor | Freedom from mumbo jumbo is with the correction of the designations

Link to access and download the Statement of the Benefactor, freedom from financial and legal mumbo jumbo –!AiFupMWjmDX74ivgn… The link works. Try another browser if having trouble. Find us:Go to 👉🏼 http://restorethekingdomofgod.blogspo… for details about or to order our Reclaim your Securities information package.You Tube:…Bitchute:…Brighteon:… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):


Many people don’t really know that communism is really the control system for companies, corporations, colonies, plantations etc. Its a slave system, corporate control. A colony is like a foreign occupation corporation controlling its citizens while occupying a foreign land. Some thoughts. I think this system is all over the world. America was probably taken …[continue reading]

BREAKING NEWS: President Biden, HHS, Medicare & Medicaid sued in Federal Court.

BREAKING NEWS: President Biden, HHS, Medicare & Medicaid sued in Federal Court. Lawsuit multistep process to get truth in advertising, stop illegal acts, discovery of criminal conspiracy & to make sure we get felony convictions, the perpetrators, so immunity shield falls. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): BREAKING NEWS: President Biden, HHS, Medicare & Medicaid sued in …[continue reading]

Saudi Beheads 81 Citizens in a Single Day, Then Deploys Security Forces to Quell Protests

March 14, 2022 By NEWS WIRE 3 Comments IMAGE: Execution by beheading in Saudi Arabia, 2008. This image is a still taken from mobile phone footage (Source: Amnesty International). A recent spree of beheadings by the government of Saudi Arabia has drawn both domestic and international  condemnation, after the royal authorities ordered over 80 prisoners …[continue reading]