Princes of the Yen | Documentary Film

Michael Oswald’s film “Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” 『円の支配者』reveals how Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda and desire of powerful interest groups, and how citizens were kept entirely in the dark about this. Based on the book of the same title by Professor Richard Werner, a …[continue reading]

Wetiko: Healing The Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World – Paul Levy | TCM #62 (Part 1)

Paul Levy joins Bernhard Guenther on the Cosmic Matrix Podcast for the second time. This time, they had a lot to catch up on in light of wetiko, the world situation, and Paul’s upcoming book “Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World.” In this podcast, they discuss the nature of evil, the hyper-dimensional (non-local) …[continue reading]

UK Government Stats Show Vaccinated Children are 30,200% more Likely to Die than Unvaccinated Children

by The Exposé On June 17th 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) criminally extended the emergency use authorisation of the mRNA Covid-19 injections for use in children as young as 6 months. There has never been an emergency in regard to Covid-19 infection among children. Two years of evidence show the alleged disease …[continue reading]

Gerald Celente: WWIII And Hell On Earth! US Dollar On The Verge Of Extinction

In this absorbing interview, Darryl and Brian Panes from As Good As Gold Australia chat with the top trends forecaster in the world, the one and only Gerald Celente. Gerald is the Director of the Trends Research Institute and the Publisher of the Trends Journal – where you read about history before it happens! Does …[continue reading]

NATO’s New Global Cold War Is Now Official

Editorial July 04, 2022: Information Clearing House — “SCF“ —- Finally, the United States-led military alliance called NATO has made its global cold war ambitions explicit. At last, the warmongering organization has come clean out of the deceptive closet it has been hiding in for many years. And, therefore, henceforth, may it be damned by …[continue reading]

Dr Nieusma: Deaths Accelerating, We Must Prepare & Protect our Loved Ones

Dr. Joe Nieusma returns to the program to share the latest on the depopulation and the death jab agenda. Unfortunately, it is becoming clear that deaths will continue to accelerate and the cause of death will continue to be deflected by the powers that be who control the mass media, the medical establishment and the …[continue reading]

How Vaccine Trials Routinely Rig the Results

Story at-a-glance The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has adopted a “Future Framework” scheme that will allow Pfizer and Moderna to reformulate and release updated COVID shots without conducting any additional clinical trials This Framework will allow completely untested, reformulated COVID injections to be churned out; the elimination of clinical trial requirements may also, over …[continue reading]