9/7/22: HRC RICO Lawsuit, Kolomoisky =Trump RAID, Amb. Malta Milstein= Epstein HumptyDumpty Inst

Ukraine Oligarch Kolomoisky who funded the Asov N_zi battalion in BHO/Biden Ukrainian Coup, and Zelensky’s rise to power, is central in the Mar a Lago raid as documents seized may implicate Biden et al in money laundering scheme in Privatbank, Ukraine and Trump’s RICO lawsuit against HRC, DNC, Fusion GPS, FBI players led to staged …[continue reading]

Juan O Savin on White Nobility, Merovingians, the Antichrist, and GESARA

Juan O Savin x D.S.M.P., Reckoning Fest, Part 2https://rumble.com/v1ieynf-juan-o-savin-pt.-2-bloodlines-time-machines-discerning-god-vs-devil.html Juan O Savin’s website:https://media.107daily.com/ Hi-Res download of Lincoln Kahlooni Druze Bloodline Chart:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rnRKmIQsCGZQd7ett1ndZm6SR05Wu-gZ/view?usp=sharing See our previous video “Merovingian Mythos” for more info on the Merovingian theory:https://rumble.com/vxg14j-merovingian-mythos-the-grail-bloodline.html Deep State Mapping Project Site & Store :https://deepstatemappingproject.com/ Veil Removed Official Site & Store:https://veilremoved.com/ The New Templars are:Dylan Louis Monroe : …[continue reading]

97%+ Of Jews Are Not of Abraham – Fake Hebrews

DNA research science from Dr. Eran Elhaik (a Jew) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, have confirmed that, “97% of the 17 million of the world’s Jews ARE NOT descendants of Abraham.”   Who are Jews? Who are the Jewish people of today related to? What …[continue reading]

Narradigm Investigation : LAW

The [url=https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/DoD Law of War Manual – June 2015 Updated Dec]Law of War[/url] manual was updated in 2016 and Clif High thinks he knows why. He describes the succession of legal systems that have been used in the United States after successive bankers’ wars caused these to change. We went from Common Law from 1790 …[continue reading]

RECORDING: Penny Kelly with Karen Swain: Memories From the Future The Inner Sanctum Online Sessions

#pennykelly #karenswain https://karenswain.com/penny-kelly/ Appreciate KAren’s work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? THANK YOU for your Support. Share the love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain . THANK YOU BIG LOVE ks. 💜 Join The Inner Sanctum monthly Online Gatherings. Meet some of the wonderful guests KAren has had on ATP Media and be supported by a tribe …[continue reading]

With Western imperial decline, capitalism is in crisis – a new phase is emerging

The energy crisis in Europe, proxy war in Ukraine, rebellion in the Global South, and expansion of the BRICS reflect the decline of Western imperialism and growing cracks in the capitalist world system. By João Romeiro Hermeto September 03, 2022: Information Clearing House — “Multipolarista” The feeble and tired capitalist elites in the West, drunk …[continue reading]

UKC Interview: Forex and Banking Fraud — Brian Gerrish speaks to financial whistleblower Trevor Kitchen

Should we trust the banks and the banking industry? The banks and the industry say yes, but the facts and their track record over many years suggest that we shouldn’t trust them. Trevor Kitchen is one man who knows only too well that they are not to be trusted, after he started to track the …[continue reading]

“Europe On The Brink:” 70,000 Czech Protesters Flood Prague Over Energy Crisis

By Tyler Durden More than 70,000 Czechs are protesting in Prague, the capital, demanding the ruling coalition take a neutral stance on the Ukraine war to ensure energy supplies from Russia aren’t cut off ahead of winter. Protesters are outraged at the European Union for sanctions against Russia that have sparked soaring electricity bills and …[continue reading]