Anthony Fauci: From AIDS to COVID-19, a Pharma Love Story

September 12, 2022 Updated: September 14, 2022 biggersmaller Print   0:0023:12     Commentary After forty-eight years of leading the U.S. government’s responses to infectious diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci recently announced his plans to retire at the end of the year. His story warrants a closer look for what it tells us about American politics, …[continue reading]

FRESH SALAD all year round! The SECRET of keeping it fresh for 1 year!!! TRIED RECIPE!!! #salad

Recipe: Green tomatoes – 1.5 kg. Cabbage – 250 gr. Garlic – 1 head Red pepper – 3 pcs. Hot peppers Parsley – 1 bunch Dill – 1 bunch Salt – 2 tablespoons Sugar – 1 tsp for each can. Vinegar (70%) – 1/2 tsp for each can. Water (boiling water) 🔴Warning ❗❗❗ ✅ Storage …[continue reading]

Interviewing Katherine Macbean, launching the People’s Food and Farming Alliance

Katherine is the founder of the People’s Health Alliance that launched so successfully just a few months ago, and now she is launching the People’s Food and Farming Alliance on the same basis, for the people by the people. for all volunteer and general enquiries… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

1,000 Australian schools introduce ‘eco-friendly’ chips made from edible insects

Cricket chips come to Australian schools as scientists urge the next generation to embrace shifting global food demands. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) Australia 1,000 Australian Schools Introduce ‘Eco-Friendly’ Chips Made From Edible Insects By Jessie Zhang Australian school children have been offered chips dusted with a cricket protein made by the edible bug company Circle Harvest. …[continue reading]

Mastering Mind Control, Sex in the Metaverse, Transhumanism and more

Sarah Westall provides a method for maintaining control of your own mind. We look at how powerful the advanced energy technologies are for controlling your mind and how to counteract efforts of control. We also look at sex in the MetaVerse and how addictive and real it could be. Lastly we talk about Biden’s transhumanism …[continue reading]

Final instalment; Bloodlines & Bankers: Who is running the show? Part 3

In this final look at the Grand Jury report, we cover psychological manipulation, “common purpose” and the documents which verify the plan to control the hearts and minds of an unsuspecting public. If you thought this was all just a collection of rumors, keep watching, the evidence is overwhelming and fact-checked prior to uploading this …[continue reading]

Deep State Naked Running Through Streets – Alex Newman

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular books “Deep State” and “Crimes of the Educators,” says Deep State globalists are not happy with the progress of the “controlled demolition of all western societies.”  They want their so-called “Great Reset,” but people are waking up at such a fast pace their propaganda is not working.  …[continue reading]

Bloodlines & Bankers: Who is running the show? Part 1, 2 and 3

In this episode, I present the backdrop to the push toward the centralization of “life.” The documents I discuss are linked in this description and if you ever wondered who or what is behind the curtain of public scrutiny, well here they are… Scroll down to the bottom for the document links… Jericho Pack:… …[continue reading]

Joachim Hagopian, The British Royal Family, Pedophilia and the End of a 1200 Year Parasitic Monarchy

Joachim Hagopian With the 96-year old Queen Elizabeth declared dead on September 8th, 2022 after her 70-year reign, the precursor necessary to finally end this 1200-year parasitic monarchy is finally in place. King Charles III has got to go! With the 2021-22 Sovereign Grants accounts released in June 2022 showing a 17% increase in UK …[continue reading]