By Yuri Rubtsov Global Research, September 18, 2022 Fort Russ 14 May 2016 Note to readers: please click the share buttons above feature image: Hitler, Schacht and Prescott Bush First published by Global Research in May 2016, Minor editing by Global Research. Title as in the original. Incisive historical analysis. From World War I to the Present: Dollar …[continue reading]
This video about a chart that describes the “16-year plan to destroy America” was posted yesterday on TRUTHSocial by the intelligence collective, Enthéos with the comment: THE OBAMA MILITARY PURGE (290+) • Purge Constitutional Military Leaders• Insert Globalist Military Leaders• Disarm American Citizens• Arm Jihadis/ISIS/Cartels• Persecute Whistleblowers• Weaponize Gov Agencies (+IRS)• Transform Education with Revisionism• …[continue reading]
Source – “…Mr. Howard says that a serious study of who profited on the stock market from 9/11 would “tear the heart out of the oligarchy in America.” There is only one organization that spans the entire world, and let me tell you now, it isn’t and it never was al-Qaeda.” – It’s the …[continue reading]
SPECIAL TRUSTORS COUNTER NOTICE: SPECIAL NOTICE FOR ATTACHMENT OF A TORTFEASOR: TO ESTABLISHED COMMON LAW LIEN: for gerry: adair: stare decisis: and res judicata: signed, sealed and delivered by walter: dodds: attachement to lien Gerry adair-9b9319b3
Japan is one of the most highly developed countries in the world. It is also one of the most technologically innovative, with an international reputation for advanced electronics, automotive tech and even robotics. It is steeped in history and culture, ranging from sushi, samurai and anime. To the outsider, more so to a non-Asian, Japan …[continue reading]
“Our Consumer Society” is an intense dive into consumerism as a concept and a state of being. It examines what consumerism means, what it looks like and how it affects every human being on Earth mentally, physically and economically. It also looks at how consumerism came to be, what motivates it, its history, and its …[continue reading]
Expert’s warning as nearly one in four Irish Covid patients show signs of blood clotting a year later An Irish haematologist has found a quarter of patients discharged from hospital are still showing “unusual” blood clotting activity up to one year later. Sean Duke Up to a quarter of patients discharged from hospital after …[continue reading]
“Legally, we are considered to be a FICTION, a concept or idea expressed as a NAME, a symbol. That LEGAL PERSON has no consciousness; it is a juristic PERSON, EN LEGIS, a NAME/word written on a piece of paper” – Jason Whitney, Presenter & Researcher: The Occult World of Commerce EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
… Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine An Indian court ordered Bill Gates, the Indian government and the Serum Institute of India — the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer — to provide formal responses relating to a case filed by the father of a 33-year-old doctor who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield …[continue reading]
https://thecrowhouse.comBitChute… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):