Seeking a “Freak Free World” for his Child, Dutch MP Challenges Globalists

Dutch Patriot, Theirry Baudet and wife  The entire Dutch government left the chamber and halted debate when MP Thierry Baudet mentioned that the Finance Minister studied at a ‘spy college’ [i.e. globalist nursery.] in Oxford. Their over-reaction speaks volumes. ‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.’ Watch the bizarre moment when the government walks out …[continue reading]

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Are Riding As The Shemitah Nears

Move over covaids, immigrants, and Ukraine war orphans. The soy-infused, gender-confused, child-sniffing liberals will soon be bending over to be pricked and gagged for a brand new cause! It must be in the Prozac. Or the water. TCV Summit: Hardware Basics Edition | our FREE newsletter TDV Public Telegram Group | (Join …[continue reading]

Stevia Kills Lyme Disease Pathogen Better Than Antibiotics (Preclinical Study)

Lyme disease is exceedingly difficult to treat, due to its well-known shape-shifting (pleomorphic) abilities, with conventional antibiotics often failing to produce a long-term cure. Could the commonly used natural plant Stevia provide a safer, and more effective means to combat this increasingly prevalent infection? A promising new preclinical study has revealed that whole stevia leaf …[continue reading]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano ~ “We Must Unite To Stop the New World Order/Great Reset” (links below)

World renowned archbishop confronts the New World Order. This courageous man is the #1 religious whistleblower in the world. First he exposed financial corruption in the Vatican. Then he exposed systematic, organized and protected child abuse in the Vatican. Next he exposes how the Vatican is at the heart of the satanic New World Order. …[continue reading]


Dr. Paul Marik, and Dr. Pierre Kory of the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, have been global leaders, laying their careers on the line to develop critical, life-saving treatment protocols for Covid-19, Spike Protein sickness, and Vaccine syndrome. We welcome Dr. Marik in-studio, and Dr. Kory via video, for an inside look at how FLCCC …[continue reading]

WORLD REPORT: One World Digital Currency & Servitude – The Plan Explained w/ Kent Lewiss (1of2)

Kent Lewiss rejoins the show to discuss his latest report explaining the plan behind the one world digital currency. Lewiss brings solid research and thought into the central bankers plan to reset the new world order into a global bankers dictatorship. He explains what their plan is and what it means to you. It’s a …[continue reading]

Max Igan and Gemma O’Doherty – The Point Of No Return – 09/20/22

Mirror: : Banned YouTube Archive on AltCensored: Crowhouse Community Forums: Subscriptions the TheCrowhouse can now be received via Stripe or direct contributions can be made via Wise bank.If you would like to assist please visit this page: Crypto-currencies: Bitcoin:bc1qj3vrxj4zyyuaq2f8r3vgur6nrejgewckfv7gpa Ethereum:0x924C0F9A9889f703a9220eCf322342B9d6BDb32DMonero: …[continue reading]