A video to highlight the inner biochemical process or alchemy of enlightenment. Also know over the centuries and throughout different cultures as Kundalini Activation, Merkabah Ascension, the Great Regeneration, the 3-Fold Enlightenment etc. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
There no longer exists any form of representative government under the framework that is the United Nations Charter. The U.N. platform is offered as a contract and is then enforced via the Bilderberg Steering Committee’s influence upon all signatory governments. Today what presents itself as your council or government, or more correctly, the men and …[continue reading]
Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming – climatologist Dr J Christy debunks the narrative BizNewsTv Dr John Christy, distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, has been a compelling voice on the other side of the climate change debate for decades. …[continue reading]
In this revealing and insightful interview. former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu describes the process of infiltration and global takeover of the United Nations by oligarchs, particularly Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF). He outlines the power structures of the UN, its covert manipulation, exploitation and enslavement of people around the world, and …[continue reading]
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 562 12.30.22) President Donald Trump doubled down on his pro vax stance in a new interview this week. It looks like Trump has waded into the vax quicksand, and it’s going to take him under if he doesn’t pull out soon. Even though host Wayne Root is firmly anti-CV19 vax, …[continue reading]
FOI documents have been released in Australia and Dr Chris Martenson has posted this video about the data on Rumble. Peter McCullough thne posted it on TRUTHSocial with this comment: “Dr Chris Martenson on the ‘batch’ variability and side effects of COVID vaccines. Sloppy rushed defense contractors make the mRNA and LNP with no FDA …[continue reading]
Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at sgtreport.locals.com! Stay HEALTHY! Get your Z-Flu & Z-Stack NOW:https://zstacklife.com/?ref=i1ehyfbcjh Dane Wigington returns to SGT Report to discuss the engineered winter storm Elliott. In this must hear interview Dane explains the science behind the geo-agenda to bring us to our knees before the new world …[continue reading]
The W4 sandwich process is quite interesting and powerful. We will be exploring this process with ‘Hollywood’ ( not the movie industry ) Holly has had success and will be sharing what has worked and not worked. Join the W-4 Open Mic Chat Telegram channel https://t.me/openmicchat I HIGHLY recommend this series for ‘correcting’ your status, …[continue reading]
Kash Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations. Kash also oversaw the execution of several of President Trump’s top …[continue reading]
India media reports a growing number of sudden cardiac arrests, including incidence of heart attacks, and the apex research institute seeks to understand why via a study. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has launched an investigation examining cases involving sudden cardiac arrest reports across the world’s second most populous nation and sixth largest economy as …[continue reading]