Rebel News Reporters Challenge Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at Davos; Bourla Responded With Silence

Caught Him! Rebel News Pummels Pfizer CEO With Questions at World Economic Forum by Lezra Levant, Rebel NewsJanuary 18, 2023   <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> It was the moment we were waiting for: one of the most hated men in the world going for a leisurely stroll because …[continue reading]

Benjamin Fulford Report: McCarthy to replace Biden as US “president” while the UN prepares to move to Laos – January 16, 2023

Some tectonic shifts have taken place in Geopolitical power structures during the past week. The result will be the widely despised avatar “Joe Biden,” being replaced as US President by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Also, preparations to move UN headquarters from New York to Laos have begun in earnest, CIA …[continue reading]


Since 1954 the world’s most powerful politicians, bankers, finance heavyweights, CEO, and industrialists have met annually to discuss god knows what behind heavily guarded closed doors. Only in the last decade with the explosion of the internet have these meetings come under more scrutiny from a public itching to know more about what goes on …[continue reading]

New World Order to Come Out of USA

This is an incredibly informative interview, which I’ve taken a lot of time to transcribe and to annotate and I am absolutely floored by the exponential increase in my understanding of the mechanics of the fraud and of the evil that has been perpetrated on humanity by our governments…………………….. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): New World …[continue reading]

Why Was Hunter Paying His Dad $50k per Month to Rent House Where Joe’s Stolen Classified Documents Found?

January 16, 2023 By NEWS WIRE 1 Comment Is this how Hunter Biden was funneling his dirty Ukrainian and Chinese fortunes to “The Big Guy”? Zero Hedge reports… A Thursday tweet from the NY Post‘s Miranda Devine containing a background check for Hunter Biden has people asking questions. “The now-52-year-old began listing the Wilmington home as …[continue reading]

Germany orders 85 yr old Russian born composer and Holocaust survivor to be Arrested and Forcibly Vaxxed for Covid

Composer Inna Zhvanetskaya has reportedly gone into hiding to prevent insane German authorities from forcibly imprisoning and vaccinating her Inna Abramovna Zhvanetskaya, sheet music for free Soviet-born composer Inna Zhvanetskaya is reportedly in hiding from German authorities after they attempted to have the 85-year-old Holocaust survivor committed to a mental institution and inoculated against …[continue reading]