This video is about the powerful families of industry and banking who shaped the 21st century. The first segment about the Rockefeller’s and the Rockefeller Foundation is taken straight from my book, The Deep State Encyclopedia, which is now available for purchase (Release day March 7th)! Truthstream’s work on Rockefeller:… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
This is an excerpt from the groundbreaking, 4-hour long 2012 documentary, ‘9/11 Great American Psy-Opera’ by Ace Baker, which didn’t get the attention that it deserved, because everybody was more asleep 11 years ago. FILM SYNOPSIS On 11 September 2001, the world witnessed – via television – the two main towers of the World Trade …[continue reading]
Geoengineering: The Greatest Threat To Humanity shows that Dane Wigington is the lead researcher of Geoengineering Watch and the author of Geoengineering a Chronicle of Indictment. He warns about the geoengineers in the video THEY ARE MANUFACTURING EXTINCTION!!, “We are going to hit the wall. We have a very limited time scale left with the …[continue reading]
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …[continue reading]
There are 76 international organizations whom hold extensive immunities and privileges, in addition to the Bank for International Settlements along with 63 central banks and financial institutions that function with BIS, to create a complete control framework that operates entirely outside the law from what all other organizations must adhere to. While they all tout …[continue reading]
This is quite an interesting bit of testimony, before she gets cut off as legislators start to sense the connection between drugs, banking, mortgages and Arizona State Corruption. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
I talk with award-winning author into UFOS, conspiracies, Illuminati/Deep State and all things related. A fun wide-ranging discussion. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): BRAD OLSEN: AUTHOR, EXPLORER: RE BLUE BEAM FAKE INVASION, TRAINS AND OTHER ATTACKS ON AMERICA
Story at-a-glance Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, during Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot trials were removed from the trial data A person known as “Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327” died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID shot, reportedly due to …[continue reading]
“Viren sind nicht das Problem. Bleiben Sie besonnen.“ (“Viruses are not the problem. Stay level-headed.”) ~ Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg This week, we are finally honoring Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg as one of our great heroes during the ongoing p(l)andemic that has descended upon the world. His status—in terms of leadership, scientific and factual clarity, and commitment …[continue reading]
Discussion with Dave Witcher on our rights under our superior settled laws EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):