Our greatest power is our numbers, hence, the relentless effort to shatter us into broken fragments. As their agenda is being exposed, the dividers will stop at nothing to cover their crimes against humanity. They have bunkers. All we have is each other. The good news is, that’s all we need. Contrary to social indoctrination, …[continue reading]
A presentation by Anna De Buisseret. Senior Lawyer.The History of our Freedom – How they plan to take it away and what we can do about it! Here Anna presents us with factual stories from history regarding our law’s and Freedoms, the importance of them and how some came to be. She explains about the …[continue reading]
“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.” —The Kybalion ➝ I. THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM. “THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.” -The Kybalion. This Principle embodies the truth that “All is Mind.” It explains …[continue reading]
Learn how the Age of Aquarius is currently governing our planet and how to better take advantage of the spiritual direction humanity is being pushed towards. There are currently two forces struggling against each other, and those who choose to awaken their consciousness have to understand the amount of radical psychological revolution it takes to …[continue reading]
the matrix is malfunctioning Paul Joseph Watson If you want to support me, please check out the new coffee subscription @ http://pjwshop.com INTRO MUSIC: Sagittarius V – Lucidator: http://sagittariusvmusic.bandcamp.com DONATE: https://www.subscribestar.com/paul-jo… LOCALS (Exclusive content!): https://pauljosephwatson.locals.com/s… ROKFIN: https://rokfin.com/creator/prisonplanet NEW MERCH: https://www.pjwshop.com/ CASH APP: https://cash.app/£helppjw BITCOIN WALLET: 3EMQG9EhPkoFbX5F19RTGZs8rPqGYm2mp9 BITCOIN CASH WALLET: qrxhqz9ka423v68qwc7nyqc88q3mx9ea5gcpz88a0l LITECOIN WALLET: MSs2rWgM571WM3zUnL255gccoQAdz9L6CG ETHEREUM WALLET: …[continue reading]
By Kerry CassidyJanuary 22, 202310 Mins Read Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Share The WAR FOR PLANET EARTH The following is an attempt to connect the dots concerning what is happening to humanity and the threat from Reptilians and Artificial Intelligence. You are encouraged to do your own research on these subjects. The survival of humanity …[continue reading]
Tucker Carlson provides an excellent 12 minute report about the CIA’s removal of President Kennedy and President Nixon. I recommend that you watch it 2 or 3 times until it sinks in and forward it to all of your friends and relatives. There is nowhere else you can get so much solid and important information …[continue reading]
Blog/Ukraine Posted Jan 21, 2023 by Martin Armstrong Spread the love QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong.I am from Poland and I know the history and our differences with Russia, but in this war, I’m against Ukraine. They don’t even want to apologize for atrocities committed on civilians but want us to …[continue reading]
After leveling her country’s economy and alienating half the population with authoritarian ‘Zero Covid’ policies, Jacinda Ardern steps down as PM in New Zealand. Also, the World Economic Forum’s annual confab in Davos is coming to an end, but not without some bizarre and disturbing things being said by frustrated elites in attendance. Britain is …[continue reading]
UK doctors are speaking out. It’s so damaging to the narrative that even Twitter won’t let post it. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Everyone in the world should watch this video **NOW** before it is censored. Especially if you are in the UK!