MIKE GILL has the evidence of how the CARTEL operates in New Hampshire using drugs, gun running and human trafficking reaching to the highest level of the Federal government including the IRS and Treasury, FBI and CIA. We talk about how TRUMP KNOWS what Mike has. How General Flynn also knows and how this evidence …[continue reading]
by Tyler Durden Sunday, Mar 26, 2023 – 12:00 PM Authored by Chris Morrison via DailySceptic.org, It could be argued that the basic arithmetic showing wind power is an economic and societal disaster in the making should be clear to a bright primary school child. Now the Oxford University mathematician and physicist, researcher at CERN …[continue reading]
by Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD, Dr. Ana’s NewsletterMarch 27, 2023 Introduction In this article, I describe a series of experiments that were done on six unvaccinated blood samples and three vaccinated blood samples with Infrared Spectroscopy and a electrical conductivity meter. The purpose of this investigation is to begin to quantify with objective measurements …[continue reading]
When you’ve been really sick for a long time, it’s hard to get caught up with your own daily life, much less your work life. We’ve all been there. Something, an infection, an injury like a sprained ankle, lays us low and leaves us like a beached whale for days or weeks or even months. …[continue reading]
“So they are losing people at a rate they’ve never, ever experienced in their lives. And we are seeing our people getting buried at a rapid rate across the country. It’s out of control. I’ve never seen this many funerals in my life. I had a brother who was a great footballer. He was my …[continue reading]
Studies show how a NON-GMO Organic Diet helped 3250 people recover from 28 disorders. The biotech industry’s claim that genetically modified (GM) foods are safe is shattered in this groundbreaking lecture. Safety assessments on GM crops are not competent to identify the health problems, and industry research is rigged to avoid finding problems. This lecture …[continue reading]
This one is a keeper. Not much more than half an hour and you will be more educated on crucial history than 99.99% of people – on WHY we are where we are in the world. Am I wrong on this? Comments below please! 😃 More excellent material for free: https://www.scandinavianfreedom.events/ NOTE: My extensive research …[continue reading]
Government takes many forms (monarchy, democracy, etc.) but they all come down to the same thing: Other people you’d rather not have anything to do with. Except that unlike ordinary people you’d rather have nothing to do with – and so don’t – government people have the power to make sure you cannot avoid having to deal with …[continue reading]
By Craig Murray March 26, 2023: Information Clearing House — I am completely at a loss as to why the UK should seek to join in with the US in considering China an enemy, and in looking to build up military forces in the Pacific to oppose China. In what sense are Chinese interests opposed …[continue reading]
After reading Pfizer’s March 3, 2023, transcript from their motion to dismiss hearing, I can tell you this brave American hero isn’t going away any time soon. Karen Kingston Mar 18 Brook Jackson is an experienced director of FDA clinical trials who reported dozens of the FDA violations she personally observed while working at Ventavia. …[continue reading]